Virtune AB (Publ) (Virtune) has completed the monthly rebalancing for December 2024 of its Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, the first crypto index ETP in the Nordics

Udgivet den 03-01-2025  |  kl. 09:33  |  

Stockholm, 3rd of January 2025 - Today Virtune announces that it has finalized its monthly rebalancing for Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, listed on Nasdaq Stockholm for both the SEK-denominated (ISIN code SE0020052207, ticker name VIR10SEK) and the EUR-denominated (ISIN code SE0020052215, ticker name VIR10EUR) ETP.

In addition to the Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP, Virtune's product portfolio includes:  

Virtune Bitcoin ETP
Virtune Staked Ethereum ETP
Virtune Staked Solana
Virtune Staked Polkadot ETP
Virtune XRP ETP
Virtune Avalanche ETP
Virtune Chainlink ETP
Virtune Arbitrum ETP
Virtune Staked Polygon ETP 
Virtune Staked Cardano ETP
Virtune Crypto Altcoin Index ETP

Index allocation as of 30th of December (before rebalancing):

Bitcoin: 40.55%
Ethereum: 34.51%
XRP: 9.62%
Solana: 8.95%
Cardano: 2.69%
Avalanche: 1.35%
Chainlink: 1.13%
Litecoin: 0.64%
Uniswap: 0.57%

Index allocation as of 30th of December (after rebalancing):

Bitcoin: 40.00%
Ethereum: 34.84%
XRP: 10.53%
Solana: 7.90%
Cardano: 2.72%
Avalanche: 1.40%
Chainlink: 1.25%
Uniswap: 0.71%
Litecoin: 0.65%

In connection with this month's rebalancing, there is no change in the crypto assets included in the index. Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP SEK outcome for December was -11.62%.

The rebalancing is carried out according to the index that the ETP tracks, the Virtune Vinter Crypto Top 10 Index, and this is the 19th rebalancing since the product was listed on 15th of May 2023. The purpose of the monthly rebalancing is to ensure that the ETP always reflects the current market conditions and to effectively absorb volatility in the crypto market.

In December, the crypto market showed a mixed performance. Bitcoin and Ethereum saw declines of -3.19% and -10.1%, respectively. However, some altcoins demonstrated stronger performance, with XRP increasing by 6.94% and Chainlink climbing 5.08%.

The performance of the crypto assets included in Virtune Crypto Top 10 Index ETP in December:

XRP: 6.94%
Chainlink: +5.08%
Uniswap: +3.3%
Litecoin: +0.17%
Bitcoin: -3.19%
Ethereum: -10.1%
Solana: -20.5%
Avalanche: -20.6%
Cardano: -21.8%

Virtune's crypto index ETP is the first of its kind in the Nordic region. The ETP includes up to 10 leading crypto assets that are part of the Nasdaq Crypto Index, based on their total market capitalization, with a maximum weight of 40% per crypto asset to promote diversification. This allows investors to benefit from broad exposure to the crypto market without being heavily concentrated in any single crypto asset.

If you, as an (institutional) investor, are interested in meeting Virtune to discuss the possibilities with our ETPs for your asset management/discretionary asset management offering, to learn more about Virtune and/or the company's ETPs, please do not hesitate to contact us at You can also read more about Virtune and our ETPs on and register your email address on our website to subscribe to our newsletters that covers updates on Virtune's upcoming ETP launches and other news related to digital assets.

Press contact

Christopher Kock, CEO Virtune AB (Publ)
+46 70 073 45 64

Virtune with its headquarters in Stockholm is a regulated Swedish digital asset manager and issuer of crypto exchange traded products on regulated European exchanges. With regulatory compliance, strategic collaborations with industry leaders and our proficient team, we empower investors on a global level to access innovative and sophisticated investment products that are aligned with the evolving landscape of the global crypto market.

Cryptocurrency investments are associated with high risk. Virtune does not provide investment advice. Investments are made at your own risk. Securities may increase or decrease in value, and there is no guarantee that you will recover your invested capital. Please read the prospectus, KID, terms at


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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