Iveco Group earns the prestigious Platinum Medal in the EcoVadis Sustainability Rating

Udgivet den 13-01-2025  |  kl. 10:00  |  

Turin, 13th January 2025. Iveco Group (EXM: IVG) announces that it has been awarded the Platinum Medal by EcoVadis, one of the foremost providers of business sustainability ratings worldwide. With a score of 85/100, Iveco Group ranks in the top 1% of over 150,000 companies EcoVadis assessed globally over the last year.

The Group received the Gold Medal in 2023 and this upgrade to Platinum highlights its commitment to continuous improvement and to integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) priorities into its strategy and operations. EcoVadis evaluates the sustainability performance of companies through a rigorous analysis of 21 criteria across 4 core themes: environment, labour & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

"We are very proud of our sustainability efforts across the Group," said Olof Persson, CEO, Iveco Group. "Ranking in the top 1% of the EcoVadis assessment is confirmation that we are moving in the right direction towards increasingly responsible business practices. I am a true believer in incorporating sustainability in our culture, in our strategy and throughout the entire value chain. This creates long-term value for our customers and all our stakeholders. We will continue to focus on our sustainability path as we deliver quality products that reflect our dedication and passion."

Iveco Group N.V. (EXM: IVG) is the home of unique people and brands that power your business and mission to advance a more sustainable society. The seven brands are each a major force in its specific business: IVECO, a pioneering commercial vehicles brand that designs, manufactures, and markets heavy, medium, and light-duty trucks; FPT Industrial, a global leader in a vast array of advanced powertrain technologies in the agriculture, construction, marine, power generation, and commercial vehicles sectors; IVECO BUS and HEULIEZ, mass-transit and premium bus and coach brands; IDV, for highly specialised defence and civil protection equipment; ASTRA, a leader in large-scale heavy-duty quarry and construction vehicles; and IVECO CAPITAL, the financing arm which supports them all. As of 31st December 2023, Iveco Group employs more than 36,000 people around the world and has 20 industrial sites and 31 R&D centres. Further information is available on the Company's website

Media Contacts:
Fabio Lepore, Tel: +39 335 7469007
Michelle Samson, Tel: +39 366 654 2877




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