9/2025・Trifork Group AG - Share-based Incentive Program 2025

Udgivet den 03-03-2025  |  kl. 08:27  |  

Company announcement no. 9 / 2025
Schindellegi, Switzerland - 3 March 2025

Share-based incentive program 2025

Trifork Group AG ("Trifork") has granted restricted share units ("RSUs") under the existing employee long-term share-based incentive program ("ELTIP") approved by the Board of Directors in 2021.

The second ELTIP 2025 ("ELTIP 2025b") is covering the grant in March 2025 to the Executive Managmeent of the Trifork Group.

The ELTIP 2025b is based on RSUs and Executive Management variable remuneration for its performance in financial year 2024. RSUs granted will be subject to graded vesting over a three-year period.

Further details about the ELTIP 2025b are stated below:

Participants Executive Management of the Trifork Group eligible for variable remuneration for financial year 2024.
Total 1 employee.
Number of RSUs A total of 14,653 RSUs is allocated under the ELTIP 2025b.
The number of RSUs is calculated by taking the respective variable remuneration amount and applying the weighted average share price for Trifork's shares of the last three trading days of 2024.
Granting RSUs comprised by the ELTIP 2025b are granted in March 2025.
Vesting RSUs will vest over a three-year period with 1/3 of the RSUs vesting each year. Vesting is not conditional upon the achievement of any financial or non-financial targets but is conditional upon the participating employee remaining employed with the Trifork Group throughout the vesting period or becoming a good leaver during the vesting period as well as the participating employee having complied in all respects with the terms and conditions of the ELTIP 2025b.
Objective Attraction and retention of employees in selected jurisdictions.
Conversion Once vested and not lapsed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the ELTIP 2025b, each RSU will entitle the holder to receive one Trifork share.
Conditions RSUs are granted based on the conversion of the respective variable remuneration for each participating employee. 
The ELTIP 2025b is subject to customary conditions.
Allocation & theoretical value The allocation is based on the weighted average share price of the last 3 trading days of 2024 (DKK 75.08). Dividing the converting salary by this amount results in the number of RSUs to be granted. The converting total amounts to DKK 1,100,154 (EUR 147,477) and 14,653 RSUs.
  The theoretical value for the RSUs is the market price of the Trifork share at grant date minus the expected dividends for the portions vesting after one, two and three years.

Information and questions

Frederik Svanholm, Group Investment Director, frsv@trifork.com, +41 79 357 73 17

About Trifork

Trifork is a pioneering global technology partner, empowering enterprise and public sector customers with innovative solutions. With 1,229 professionals across 73 business units in 16 countries, Trifork delivers expertise in inspiring, building, and running advanced software solutions across diverse sectors, including public administration, healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, energy, financial services, retail, and real estate. Trifork Labs, the Group's R&D hub, drives innovation by investing in and developing synergistic and high-potential technology companies. Trifork Group AG is a publicly listed company on Nasdaq Copenhagen. Learn more at trifork.com.


CA_9_2025_RSU allocation


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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