
Udgivet den 07-08-1996  |  kl. 13:36  |  

De store institutionelle aktører fra landene indgår i undersøgelsen, dog vil hun ikke oplyse konkrete navne, men man må antage at ATP er en af undersøgelsens respondenter.

Interview with Head of Client Solutions Team Karin Franceries fra JPMorgan Asset Management regarding alternative investments

- Hedge funds have since 2003 made an extraordinary impression. While other areas have shown slow growth, investments in hedge funds have experienced strong grwoth, says Karin F.

This is partly because more investors have emerged in the market, and also because investments have increased in size.

- In general, results from the survey show that investments in hedge funds have doubled since 2003. For the Nordic region gains have been even bigger.

Worlwide Investments in hedge funds have risen from 2,5 per cent of total investments in 2003 to 5,1 per cent, according to a survey by JP Morgan. The survey shows growth in the Nordic region from 2,2 per cent to 5.9 per cent of total investments.

The reason for the strong development in the Nordic countries and especially Denmark is due to the high level of knowledge about hedge funds. The survey also shows that interest in hedge funds is still strong as return on investment is attractive.

It is important to take into account that the survey shows a level of expectation, and hence, does not necessarily reflect what managers end up doing.

Big institutional players are included in the survey. Karin F has chosen not to mention any specific names, but one may assume that Danish pension fund ATP is part of the survey.

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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