Carlsberg marks Global Beer Responsibility Day with activities across the world

Udgivet den 17-09-2015  |  kl. 14:03  |  

On September 18, Carlsberg, along with other global brewers, local brewers and beer associations, will celebrate Global Beer Responsibility Day (GBRD), a worldwide effort to promote the responsible consumption of beer.

In its first year as a global, collaborative effort, brewers, along with many other local partners, will focus on reducing the harmful use of alcohol in communities around the world. Global Beer Responsibility Day is just one part of Carlsberg’s year-round commitment – both locally and globally – to promote responsible consumption of its products.

Activities to celebrate GBRD will take place in nine Carlsberg markets globally, directly engaging more than 5,500 employees, involving more than 100,000 retailers and reaching some 1.5 million consumers.


Highlights of activities include: 

  • Carlsberg Corporate HQ (Copenhagen): Carlsberg will be turning off part of the iconic, 10-metre logo at the top of its 21-storey corporate headquarters in Copenhagen to take the “Car” out of Carlsberg and highlight the dangers of drink driving.
  • Carlsberg Denmark will provide discounted rides home for anyone out enjoying a drink in Copenhagen, in association with taxi app DRVR.
  • Italy: Birrificio Angelo Poretti will invite visitors to its stand at the Milan International Expo to experience the effects of alcohol on driving – by wearing special glasses while performing everyday activities.
  • Malaysia: Carlsberg Malaysia will be engaging with consumers at one of Malaysia’s highest-profile shopping centres, with ambassadors and activities promoting responsible drinking.
  • Russia: Baltika in conjunction with Russian beer union will be present in more than 80 000  retail accounts talking to sales personnel and consumers about the prevention of sales of alcohol to minors.


Cees 't Hart, Chief Executive Officer at Carlsberg, commented: “Beer plays an important role in local cultures and economies and together we want to contribute to this positive influence of beer in society by promoting that our products are consumed responsibly as a part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle.”


About Global Beer Responsibility Day: Established in 2015, Global Beer Responsibility Day is an annual industry-wide initiative, led by Anheuser-Busch InBev, Carlsberg and HEINEKEN, to highlight and reinforce the responsibility efforts conducted by brewers, wholesalers, retailers, government and enforcement officials, NGOs and other partners. On Global Beer Responsibility Day, the three brewers will showcase and launch a variety of programs aimed at reducing the harmful use of alcohol, including drink driving and underage drinking prevention, server and seller training efforts and consumer education programs, among others.

         Media Relations: Jim Daniell +45 3327 2874

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