Announcement No. 01/2016
Coloplast reduces share capital
As informed in Stock Exchange Announcement No. 13/2015 the proposal to reduce the Company’s share capital by a nominal amount of DKK 4m of the Company’s holding of treasury shares was adopted at Coloplast’s Annual General Meeting on 9 December 2015. This is equal to 4 million B shares of 1 DKK.
The notice to creditors expired on 7 January 2016 without objection and the reduction of share capital has therefore been notified to the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency today. The cancellation will be finalised today.
After cancellation of these shares the share capital of Coloplast amounts to DKK 216m, divided into DKK 198m B shares/198,000,000 votes and DKK 18m A shares/180,000,000 votes.
Anders Lonning-Skovgaard, CFO
See enclosed PDF.
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