FLSmidth enters into strategic agreement with Wirtgen Group

Udgivet den 18-04-2016  |  kl. 08:41  |  

PRESS RELEASE - Global cement and minerals processing expert FLSmidth, and Kleemann, the global technology leader within road and construction machinery and part of Wirtgen Group, have signed a long-term cooperation agreement on supply of cone crushers for mobile applications in the construction industry.

The agreement between FLSmidth and Kleemann brings together FLSmidth's technology leadership within cone crushers with Kleemann's leading position in the mobile crushing in the construction and aggregate industry.

This alliance is a result of FLSmidth's strategy to cooperate and develop technology in partnership with leading peers. As FLSmidth is the main provider of productivity within minerals and cement and Kleemann has a strong foothold in the construction industry, it provides a unique opportunity for FLSmidth to expand into adjacent markets, Group Executive Vice President of the Minerals Division in FLSmidth Manfred Schaffer comments.

Please address any questions regarding this announcement to Group Executive Vice President of the Minerals Division, Manfred Schaffer, FLSmidth & Co A/S at +45 38 18 18 00.

For further information about FLSmidth, please visit

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Source: FLSmidth via Globenewswire



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