Jyske Bank explores the possibilities of issuing hybrid Tier 1 capital

Udgivet den 29-08-2016  |  kl. 09:02  |  

Silkeborg, 2016-08-29 09:02 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jyske Bank has announced an adaption of the capital structure to the long term targets of a capital ratio of 17.5% and a core equity ratio of 14%.


As part of this process Jyske Bank has mandated Danske Bank, JP Morgan and Nordea to arrange a series of investor meetings across the Nordic region to explore the possibilities of issuing hybrid (AT1) capital in one or more Scandinavian currencies.  A perpetual non call 5 year (perpNC5) AT1 transaction with a 7% CET1 equity trigger with a temporary write-down structure will follow, subject to market conditions.



Kind regards,

Jyske Bank


Any questions in regards to this announcement may be addressed to Merete Poller Novak, Director, Head of Debt IR & Capital Markets Funding, on tel. +45 89 89 25 26

Vedhæftede filer:

Jyske Bank corporate announcement No 51 (29 08 2016).pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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