Nykredit and Totalkredit change refinancing of F4, F5 and RenteMax loans

Udgivet den 05-09-2016  |  kl. 11:40  |  

In line with the stock exchange announcement of 15 April 2016, Nykredit and Totalkredit will simplify and streamline their bond issuance to create fewer but larger bond series.

Intentions are that adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) in Capital Centre H due for refinancing in April will be rescheduled to January and that ARMs due for refinancing in October will be rescheduled to refinancing in July going forward. Also, ARMs in Capital Centre D will be phased out, and existing loans will be refinanced into either Capital Centre H or Capital Centre G.

Further, Nykredit and Totalkredit will be refinancing existing RenteMax loans with 5Y interest rate caps in an existing bond series for the purpose of increasing the volume of the series.

Specifically, the following changes will be implemented for DKK-denominated loans:
* RenteMax loans with 5Y caps due for refinancing on 31 December 2016 will be refinanced in the
   existing bond with ISIN DK0009508749. The bond has a 2.5% interest rate cap and
   matures on 30 June 2021.

* F4 and F5 ARMs in Capital Centre H due for refinancing on 1 April will be rescheduled from
   and including the April 2017 refinancing to refinancing in Janu-ary.

* F4 and F5 ARMs in Capital Centre H due for refinancing on 1 October will be rescheduled
   from and including the October 2017 refinancing to refinancing in July.

* As from 1 January 2017, ARMs for business customers in Capital Centre D will be refinanced mainly
   into Capital Centre G.

Enquiries may be addressed to Morten Bækmand Nielsen, Head of Investor Relations, Group Treasury, at tel +45 44 55 15 21. 

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