Fixing of Interest Coupon

Udgivet den 27-09-2016  |  kl. 13:08  |  

To NASDAQ Copenhagen A/S                                                        27 September 2016
                                                                                                          Announcement no. 82/2016

Fixing of Interest Coupon

Interest rate for BRFkredit's:

Series 454.B.38 with ISIN DK0009361628 has per 1 October 2016 and until and including 31 March 2017 been set at 0.81 % p.a.

Series 154.B.38 with ISIN DK0009361701 has per 1 October 2016 and until and including 31 March 2017 been set at 0.81 % p.a.

Series 154.E.41 with ISIN DK0009366932 has per 1 October 2016 and until and including 31 March 2017 been set at 0.46 % p.a.

Series 454.E.OA.41 with ISIN DK0009367070 has per 1 October 2016 and until and including 31 March 2017 been set at 0.46 % p.a.

Series 455.E.R.19 with ISIN DK0009369019 has per 1 October 2016 and until and including 31 March 2017 been set at 1.18 % p.a.

Series 322.E.17 with ISIN DK0009377467 has per 1 October 2016 and until and including 31 December 2016 been set at 0.1090 % p.a.

Series 412.E.44 with ISIN DK0009378002 has per 1 October 2016 and until and including 31 December 2016 been set at 0.4132 % p.a.

Series 412.E.NI.44 with ISIN DK0009379596 has per 1 July 2016 and until and including 30 September 2016 been set at 0.2464 % p.a.

Series 422.E.Cb.17 with ISIN DK0009387508 has per 1 October 2016 and until and including 31 December 2016 been set at 0.00 % p.a.

Series 422B.Cb3.19 with ISIN DK0009390213 has per 1 October 2016 and until and including 31 December 2016 been set at 0.30 % p.a.

Series 422.E.CB.19 with ISIN DK0009391450 has per 1 October 2016 and until and including 31 December 2016 been set at 0.00 % p.a.

Best Regards

BRFkredit a/s
Søren Winkler
Head of Analysis
Direct Phone: +45 45 26 29 30
Please observe that the Danish version of this announcement prevails.



Udgivet af: NPinvestordk