Udgivet den 10-05-2017  |  kl. 07:57  |  

company announcement no. 38





Q1 2017

· 10% freight volume growth in North Sea

· Passenger volumes reduced by late Easter

· Profit before special items and tax increased 10% to DKK 173m 

· ROIC (LTM) of 17.6%


· Positive outlook confirmed

· Revenue growth of 4%, adjusted

· EBITDA DKK 2.6-2.8bn

We achieved a Q1-result ahead of last year. Combined with a continued positive outlook for growth in Europe, we are on track in 2017 to further improve on the all-time high results of last year, says Niels Smedegaard, CEO.

Key figures              
DKK m Q1 Q1   LTM LTM   FY
Before special items 2017 2016 Ch % 2016-17 2015-16 Ch % 2016
Revenue 3,220 3,088 4.3%  13,922  13,636 2.1%  13,790
EBITDA 414 405 2.3% 2,598 2,218 17.1% 2,588
EBIT   189   181 4.6%  1,652 1,353 22.1% 1,644
Profit before tax   173  157 10.1%   1,616 1,249 29.4% 1,600

Revenue increased by 3% in Q1 adjusted for non-comparable items. Reported revenue was up by 4% to DKK 3.2bn.

EBITDA before special items increased by 2% to DKK 414m following higher earnings in the Shipping Division. The result was negatively impacted by non-comparable items vs 2016, including the late Easter in 2017. Q1 is the low season of the year for DFDS due to a low level of passenger activity.

Freight volumes in the Shipping Division's route network were up 7% and up 5% excluding the Hanko-Paldiski route acquired in October 2016.

Passenger volumes were 10% lower than last year mainly due to Easter falling in Q2 in 2017 vs Q1 in 2016.

The Logistics Division's Q1 EBITDA of DKK 48m was 11% below last year following a lower result in the Nordic business unit. Extra costs were incurred from startup of new logistics contracts and traffic imbalances and activity levels in some markets were below last year. The performance of the Continent and UK & Ireland business units were in line with expectations.

Distribution to shareholders
A total of DKK 826m was distributed to shareholders through share buybacks and dividend in Q1 2017. The total distribution for 2017 is currently expected to be DKK 1.3bn.

Outlook 2017
The European growth outlook continues to be supportive of DFDS' infrastructure of ferry routes and the logistics operations.

The Group's full-year revenue growth is still expected to be around 4%, excluding revenue from bunker surcharges.

EBITDA before special items is still expected to be within a range of DKK 2,600-2,800m (2016: DKK 2,588m).

Niels Smedegaard, CEO, +45 33 42 34 00   
Torben Carlsen, CFO +45 33 42 32 01   
Søren Brøndholt Nielsen, IR, +45 33 42 33 59   
Gert Jakobsen, Communications, +45 33 42 32 97   

Read the Interim Report Q1 2017:

Read more about Q1 2017 here:

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. UK_Nasdaq_No_38_10_05_2017_Q1

This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: DFDS A/S via Globenewswire


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