Scandinavian Tobacco Group's CFO Leaves the Company after Nine Years

Udgivet den 08-03-2018  |  kl. 07:11  |  
Company Announcement
No. 4/2018


                                                                                     Copenhagen, 8 March 2018

Scandinavian Tobacco Group's CFO Leaves the Company after Nine Years

Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S announces that Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Sisse Fjelsted Rasmussen has decided to leave the company after more than nine years as CFO to take up a position outside the Company.

CEO of Scandinavian Tobacco Group Niels Frederiksen says: I would like to thank Sisse for her leadership and significant contribution to the company since 2008. As CFO, she has been a valuable part of Scandinavian Tobacco Group's Executive Management, and I wish her the best of luck in her future career.

Scandinavian Tobacco Group continues to have a strong leadership team and the Company will now initiate a search to fill the position of CFO. The Company and Sisse Fjelsted Rasmussen have made an agreement that she will stay in her current role until the end of May, but will be available to the Company until the end of August 2018.

This change to the Executive Management has no impact on the financial outlook for 2018.

For further information, please contact:
For investor enquiries: Torben Sand, Head of Investor Relations, phone: +45 7220 7126 or

For media enquiries: Simon Mehl Augustesen, Director of Group Communications, phone: +45 7220 7152 or


About Scandinavian Tobacco Group

Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S is a world leading manufacturer of cigars and pipe tobacco with annual production of three billion cigars and 5,000 tonnes of pipe and fine-cut tobacco.

Scandinavian Tobacco Group holds market-leading positions in several categories and has a portfolio of more than 200 brands providing a complementary range of established global brands and local champions.

The Group employs 7,300 people in the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, Indonesia, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the US. For more information please visit

Scandinavian Tobacco Group, CFO, 8 March 2018

This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S via Globenewswire


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