Tresu Investment Holding A/S - Management changes

Udgivet den 23-11-2018  |  kl. 10:10  |  

TRESU INVESTMENT HOLDING A/S                                                                           ANNOUNCEMENT NO.  04.2018

Tresu Investment Holding A/S today announces that by mutual agreement Søren Maarssø resigns as CEO of the TRESU Group.

Effective as of today Heidi Thousgaard Jørgensen, Deputy CEO and CFO, has been appointed as interim CEO until a permanent CEO has been appointed.

Heidi Thousgaard Jørgensen will continue to perform her duties as CFO.

Further questions can be directed to:
Carsten Nygaard Knudsen, Chairman of the board, Phone: +45 2146 4236


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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