Cloudian Certifies with Milestone to Cut Video Surveillance Costs and Boost Data Retention

Udgivet den 05-12-2018  |  kl. 13:00  |  

Cloudian's Exabyte-scalable Storage Provides TCO Savings of up to 70 Percent, Freeing up Budget for Other Security Needs

SAN MATEO, Calif., Dec. 05, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cloudian today announced certification of its enterprise storage with XProtect® video management software from Milestone Systems, the world's leading provider of open platform IP VMS. Milestone users can now employ Cloudian's exabyte-scalable object storage platform to accommodate growing data volumes and meet retention requirements at up to 70 percent less cost than traditional storage.

Video surveillance users in both the public and private sectors are challenged with rising storage costs and complexity, which are driven by more cameras, higher image resolution and frame rates, and longer retention requirements due to regulatory compliance. Adding to the challenge, video data is often generated at multiple points within the physical infrastructure but must be instantly accessible at a centralized location for review and analysis.

Cloudian addresses these needs by integrating seamlessly with Milestone's VMS to provide a limitlessly scalable platform that can span multiple physical sites within a central storage environment. Delivering the industry's highest storage density, Cloudian reduces total cost of ownership by up to 70 percent when compared to Tier 1 NAS and up to 47 percent when compared with tape, thereby allowing security managers to meet growing retention requirements within existing budget and space constraints. A Cloudian system can store more than 9,000 days of 30 fps, 4K media in just 12U of rack height. The system's embedded metadata features also facilitate rapid media search and instant retrieval.

Video surveillance requires more from storage, especially as AI-based media analysis technologies demand rapid access and embedded metadata enrichment capabilities," said Jeremy Scott, strategic alliances program manager, Americas, at Milestone. "With the Cloudian certification, Milestone customers now have another innovative option to meet these needs with a scale-out platform built on technologies derived from the cloud."

Cloudian systems are based on industry-standard servers, ensuring cost-effective solutions that employ the most up-to-date, highest-density server and storage technologies. The modular design enables users to scale capacity up to an exabyte or more without system downtime. A single platform can also span multiple geographies for simple, single-point management across all sites.

Security managers today contend with unprecedented storage challenges as they move to ever-greater video resolutions and as demands for longer retention and rapid media search increase," said Sanjay Jagad, senior director of products and solutions at Cloudian. "Cloudian helps them overcome these challenges with a scale-out platform that can span multiple geographies. Customers can also store more data and make it instantly accessible at a significantly lower cost than traditional NAS."

The combined Cloudian-Milestone solution is available today through Milestone and Cloudian certified partners. To learn more about the solution, visit

About Cloudian
Cloudian turns information into insight with a hyperscale data fabric that lets customers store, find and protect data across the organization and around the globe. Cloudian data management solutions bring cloud technology and economics to the data center with uncompromising data durability, intuitive management tools, and the industry's most compatible S3 API. Cloudian and its ecosystem partners help Global 1000 customers simplify unstructured data management today, while preparing for the data demands of AI and machine learning tomorrow.

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Media Contacts

Jordan Tewell
10Fold Communications

Emily Gallagher
Touchdown PR
+44 (0)1252 717040


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