Penfund Closes $1.15 Billion Sixth Fund

Udgivet den 09-01-2019  |  kl. 20:00  |  

TORONTO, Jan. 09, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Penfund announced today that it has recently completed the final close of its sixth fund, Penfund Capital Fund VI, with committed capital of $1.15 billion (CDN). This amount materially exceeds the $724 million committed to Penfund Capital Fund V in 2016 and Fund VI's original fundraising target of $900 million. Penfund is grateful for the consistent support of its long-standing investment partners and is delighted to have established new relationships with a number of leading global investors.

Penfund Capital Fund VI will execute the same investment strategy employed by predecessor funds and will offer a comprehensive range of junior capital products to mid-market companies across North America. In its capacity as a specialty lender, the Fund will focus on second lien, mezzanine, private high yield loans and other credit products. As an equity investor, the Fund will co-invest with equity sponsors and may selectively complete stand-alone equity investments. The Fund's broad product range and larger capital base will allow it to provide highly customized financing solutions to its clients in amounts up to $230 million (CDN) (or the U.S. dollar equivalent, presently USD $170 million) per transaction.

"We are grateful for the confidence and support of our investment partners and will continue to follow the same conservative investment philosophy that emphasizes the preservation of capital across widely differing economic conditions," said Chairman, John Bradlow.

Park Hill Group LLC acted as placement agent for Penfund and legal advice was provided by Stikeman Elliott LLP and Latham & Watkins LLP.

For further information, please contact:

John Bradlow           Richard Bradlow           Adam Breslin
Partner and Chairman           Partner           Partner
(416) 645-3799           (416) 645-3794           (416) 645-3796     
Nicole Fich           Joe Mattina           Jeremy Thompson
Partner           Partner           Partner
(416) 645-3791           (647) 776-2164           (416) 645-3790     




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