Conferize A/S convenes Annual General Meeting 2019

Udgivet den 04-03-2019  |  kl. 13:00  |  

Company announcement no. 7/2019
Copenhagen, 4 March 2019


Conferize A/S convenes Annual General Meeting 2019

Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting 2019 of Conferize to be held on Tuesday 19 March 2019 at 16:00 at Sølvgade 38F, st., 1307 København K.

The agenda and the complete proposals, as well as background material, are attached to this notice - and can also be found at (only in Danish).

In the prospectus from the IPO in June 2017, the company outlined three overall plans:

The launch of the next generation of the company's Event Management Software (EMS). This new platform was launched on 30 November 2018.Creation and validation of marketing channels in order to reach event organizers. Since the listing in June 2017, this core segment achieved a growth of 427%.A capital increase in order to finance operations until realization of a positive cash flow.

Now that the business goals have been realized, the time has come to implement the necessary capital increase, which will support Conferize's journey from being a development company to a commercial operating company with a focus on earnings.

At the general meeting, the Board of Directors of Conferize therefore proposes to approve the investment agreement with the international capital fund Global Emerging Markets (GEM) regarding subscription of shares for up to DKK 75 million, cf. company announcement no. 5/2019.

In order to further strengthen the company's funding, as well as the company's foundation in Denmark, the Board of Directors also proposes to authorize the Board of Directors to conduct a capital increase, giving existing and new shareholders the opportunity to subscribe for new shares with an 8% discount, corresponding to GEM's terms.


About Conferize
Conferize is a digital platform for event organizers and attendees. Too many events and conferences are still planned and realized following a template from the time the world was still analog. This means that the attendees benefit too little in terms of networking, knowledge sharing and participation, and organizers struggle with old-fashioned and incomplete products, ultimately resulting in a bad experience for the attendees.

Conferize solves this fundamental problem by offering a comprehensive solution that makes it easy for the organizer and creates greater value for the attendees - before, during and after the event. At the same time Conferize connects users and content in a global network of events, providing an overview of an otherwise fragmented industry, Conferize has been used by thousands of events in more than 140 countries and has been official partner for TEDx since 2014.

Business registration no. 34472742

Certified Adviser
The Company's Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (Business registration no. 40073310), Gert Mortensen, Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1., DK-2500 Valby, +45 30 73 06 67,

Investor relations
Søren Dalsgaard Hansen, CFO Conferize A/S, +45 31 21 17 26,


Conferize AS - Indkaldelse AGM 2019 Conferize - Baggrund Generalforsamling 2019 Company Announcement 2019 07 - Conferize convenes Annual General Meeting 2019


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