Share buy-back programme - week 15

Udgivet den 15-04-2019  |  kl. 09:49  |  

Nasdaq Copenhagen
London Stock Exchange
Other stakeholders

15 April 2019

Share buy-back programme - week 15

The share buy-back programme runs from 21 March 2019 up to and including 31 July 2019. During this period Ringkjøbing Landbobank will purchase shares to a maximum value of DKK 90 million under a share buy-back programme, see corporate announcement of 20 March 2019.

The programme will be implemented in compliance with EU Commission Regulation No. 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 and EU Commission Delegated Regulation No. 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016, which together constitute the "Safe Harbour" regulation.

The following transactions have been made under the programme:

Date Number of shares Average purchase price (DKK) Total purchased under the programme (DKK)
Total in accordance with the last announcement  



8 April 2019 2,300 420.18 966,414
9 April 2019 2,300 417.70 960,710
10 April 2019 2,400 415.67 997,608
11 April 2019 2,400 419.05 1,005,720
12 April 2019 2,400 423.56 1,016,544
Total under the share buy-back programme  




With the transactions stated above, Ringkjøbing Landbobank now owns the following numbers of own shares, excluding the bank's trading portfolio and investments made on behalf of customers:

48,300 shares under the present share buy-back programme corresponding to 0.2% of the company's share capital.

In accordance with the above regulation etc., the transactions related to the share buy-back programme on the stated reporting days are attached to this corporate announcement in detailed form.

Yours sincerely,
Ringkjøbing Landbobank

John Fisker

Detailed summary of the transactions on the above reporting days

Volume Price Venue Time CET
8 426 XCSE 20190408 9:01:18.122000
1 422 XCSE 20190408 9:34:34.147000
122 422 XCSE 20190408 9:40:44.100000
8 421,5 XCSE 20190408 9:55:24.575000
88 421,5 XCSE 20190408 10:21:17.087000
28 420,5 XCSE 20190408 10:55:43.986000
59 420,5 XCSE 20190408 10:55:44.526000
98 420,5 XCSE 20190408 11:32:50.288000
105 420,5 XCSE 20190408 11:32:50.288000
115 420 XCSE 20190408 11:50:31.169000
109 419,5 XCSE 20190408 12:47:56.508000
99 419,5 XCSE 20190408 13:16:39.563000
116 419,5 XCSE 20190408 13:16:39.563000
85 419 XCSE 20190408 14:06:14.731000
100 419 XCSE 20190408 14:22:51.746000
19 419 XCSE 20190408 15:04:20.940000
100 419 XCSE 20190408 15:04:20.940000
168 419 XCSE 20190408 15:13:27.267000
6 419 XCSE 20190408 15:13:27.267000
141 419 XCSE 20190408 15:13:27.267000
82 419 XCSE 20190408 15:34:21.578000
84 418,5 XCSE 20190408 15:45:17.550000
93 418 XCSE 20190408 16:02:24.143000
120 422,5 XCSE 20190408 16:14:09.173000
139 422,5 XCSE 20190408 16:14:09.173000
39 422,5 XCSE 20190408 16:14:09.173000
85 421,5 XCSE 20190408 16:42:35.021000
83 421,5 XCSE 20190408 16:49:47.592393
8 420 XCSE 20190409 9:09:51.412000
85 419 XCSE 20190409 9:14:03.595000
86 418 XCSE 20190409 9:41:30.686000
8 417 XCSE 20190409 10:14:16.458000
96 419 XCSE 20190409 11:52:24.467000
278 419 XCSE 20190409 11:52:24.467000
114 417,5 XCSE 20190409 11:56:12.297000
97 418 XCSE 20190409 13:35:22.229000
117 417,5 XCSE 20190409 14:24:52.428000
34 417,5 XCSE 20190409 14:24:52.428000
91 417,5 XCSE 20190409 14:24:52.428000
26 417,5 XCSE 20190409 14:24:52.431000
254 417 XCSE 20190409 14:45:27.001000
108 418 XCSE 20190409 14:55:25.114000
83 418 XCSE 20190409 15:47:43.111000
222 417,5 XCSE 20190409 15:59:17.208000
123 417,5 XCSE 20190409 15:59:17.208000
52 416,5 XCSE 20190409 16:00:43.718000
6 416,5 XCSE 20190409 16:00:46.443000
32 416,5 XCSE 20190409 16:00:46.478000
88 417 XCSE 20190409 16:05:21.056000
66 416,5 XCSE 20190409 16:16:33.723000
226 417 XCSE 20190409 16:41:06.020217
8 418 XCSE 20190410 9:08:42.223000
12 417 XCSE 20190410 9:16:01.851000
69 417 XCSE 20190410 9:16:01.851000
82 416 XCSE 20190410 9:48:44.876000
15 414 XCSE 20190410 10:17:16.133000
33 414 XCSE 20190410 10:19:10.578000
35 414 XCSE 20190410 10:19:10.581000
105 413,5 XCSE 20190410 10:27:16.075000
3 413 XCSE 20190410 10:41:01.040232
3 413 XCSE 20190410 10:41:12.041209
2 413 XCSE 20190410 10:41:21.077441
3 413 XCSE 20190410 10:41:31.042330
2 413 XCSE 20190410 10:41:42.045159
2 413 XCSE 20190410 10:41:48.044073
85 413 XCSE 20190410 10:41:50.265923
105 414 XCSE 20190410 10:57:08.662000
8 413,5 XCSE 20190410 11:20:54.100000
49 413 XCSE 20190410 12:31:14.077000
141 414 XCSE 20190410 12:40:16.126000
125 414 XCSE 20190410 12:40:16.126000
34 414 XCSE 20190410 12:40:16.150000
85 413 XCSE 20190410 13:16:45.476000
81 413 XCSE 20190410 13:32:28.568000
85 413,5 XCSE 20190410 13:53:15.180000
82 414 XCSE 20190410 14:28:39.619000
136 414 XCSE 20190410 14:31:46.616000
75 414 XCSE 20190410 15:05:28.592000
157 418,5 XCSE 20190410 15:26:21.940000
90 418,5 XCSE 20190410 15:26:21.940000
118 419 XCSE 20190410 15:48:16.227000
86 418,5 XCSE 20190410 15:51:16.331000
54 418 XCSE 20190410 15:56:45.550000
56 418 XCSE 20190410 15:56:45.571000
58 418 XCSE 20190410 16:25:15.148000
57 418 XCSE 20190410 16:31:11.199000
43 418 XCSE 20190410 16:32:02.371000
59 418 XCSE 20190410 16:33:42.667000
75 418 XCSE 20190410 16:33:42.667000
16 417,5 XCSE 20190410 16:40:46.687448
66 417,5 XCSE 20190410 16:40:46.687448
8 419,5 XCSE 20190411 9:02:20.137000
83 419 XCSE 20190411 9:13:30.981000
80 417,5 XCSE 20190411 9:52:48.007000
93 415,5 XCSE 20190411 9:53:06.770000
8 417,5 XCSE 20190411 10:50:24.504000
75 418,5 XCSE 20190411 11:23:28.875000
175 418 XCSE 20190411 11:34:17.610000
91 417,5 XCSE 20190411 11:55:39.768000
158 417 XCSE 20190411 12:37:24.007000
25 417 XCSE 20190411 12:45:38.774000
91 417 XCSE 20190411 12:56:47.504000
175 419,5 XCSE 20190411 14:37:54.020000
175 419,5 XCSE 20190411 14:37:54.025000
175 419,5 XCSE 20190411 14:37:54.041000
58 419,5 XCSE 20190411 14:55:19.464000
83 419,5 XCSE 20190411 15:15:50.853000
103 419,5 XCSE 20190411 15:15:50.853000
100 419,5 XCSE 20190411 15:15:50.853000
9 419,5 XCSE 20190411 15:15:50.855000
32 419,5 XCSE 20190411 15:28:45.445000
68 419,5 XCSE 20190411 15:28:45.445000
104 420,5 XCSE 20190411 15:54:49.699000
25 420,5 XCSE 20190411 15:54:49.699000
79 420,5 XCSE 20190411 15:54:49.699000
11 420,5 XCSE 20190411 15:54:49.699000
84 420,5 XCSE 20190411 15:54:49.699000
126 420,5 XCSE 20190411 16:05:13.384000
8 422,5 XCSE 20190411 16:36:35.066000
22 422,5 XCSE 20190411 16:38:28.543000
52 422 XCSE 20190411 16:43:54.390000
24 422 XCSE 20190411 16:44:18.147000
8 423 XCSE 20190412 9:01:05.583000
105 422 XCSE 20190412 10:23:25.044000
105 422 XCSE 20190412 10:23:25.044000
98 422 XCSE 20190412 10:23:25.045000
36 422 XCSE 20190412 10:23:25.169000
7 422 XCSE 20190412 10:23:25.169000
108 423 XCSE 20190412 11:14:26.875000
136 422,5 XCSE 20190412 11:45:03.413000
111 422 XCSE 20190412 11:45:04.509000
94 422 XCSE 20190412 13:22:13.430000
159 422 XCSE 20190412 13:22:13.430000
125 421,5 XCSE 20190412 14:05:57.303000
122 422 XCSE 20190412 14:42:50.620000
107 421,5 XCSE 20190412 14:55:37.884000
2 422,5 XCSE 20190412 15:36:18.233000
80 423,5 XCSE 20190412 15:48:09.285000
219 424,5 XCSE 20190412 16:01:28.484000
154 425,5 XCSE 20190412 16:08:27.416000
77 425,5 XCSE 20190412 16:08:27.416000
143 426 XCSE 20190412 16:16:12.153000
83 426 XCSE 20190412 16:28:24.879000
321 426 XCSE 20190412 16:38:22.531785


UK Aktieopkøbsprogram 2019 - week 15


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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