Udgivet den 17-04-2020  |  kl. 14:20  |  

Bid procedure on 22 April 2020

Certificate: Commercial paper issued in SEK by non-financial companies with a registered office in Sweden and with a remaining maturity of up to three months on the Bid date, i.e. with the maturity date on 22 July 2020 at the latest.


Delivery may not be made in commercial paper purchased by the Counterparty from the issuer less than one week prior to the date for announcing the Specific terms, i.e. the purchase may not have been made after 10 April 2020.
Bids: Counterparties may make one bid per Credit rating class and Bid date.


Bids are made to tel 08-696 69 70 and confirmed by e-mail to
Bid date: Wednesday 22 April 2020
Bid time: 0900-0930 hours (CEST) on the Bid date
Requested volume: (corresponding nominal amount) SEK 4 billion

Highest permitted bid volume:

(corresponding nominal amount)
The total bid volume from one Counterparty for the two Credit rating classes may not exceed SEK 4 billion.

No bid may contain Commercial paper in excess of SEK 250 million issued by the same issuer.
Lowest permitted bid volume:

(corresponding nominal amount)
The total bid volume from one Counterparty should not be less than SEK 100 million and not be less than SEK 20 million per Commercial paper (ISIN code).
Credit rating classes: The requested volume is divided into two credit rating classes. Credit rating refers to the issuer's credit rating. Credit rating may also refer to the issuer's parent company in cases where the issuer has no own credit rating and the parent company guarantees the issuer's obligations.


Class 1: No less than a long-term credit rating of A- with S&P, A3 with Moody's, A- with Fitch or A- with Nordic Credit Rating, and/or no less than a short-term credit rating of A-2 with S&P, P-2 with Moody's, F2 with Fitch or N-1+ with Nordic Credit Rating. If there are both a long term and a short term credit rating the highest of these will be applied.


Class 2: No less than a long-term credit rating of BBB- with S&P, Baa3 with Moody's, BBB- with Fitch or BBB- with Nordic Credit Rating and/or no less than a short-term credit rating of A-3 with S&P, P-3 with Moody's, F3 with Fitch or N-1 with Nordic Credit Rating. If there are both a long term and a short term credit rating the highest of these will be applied.
Price (purchase rate): Class 1: 0.55 per cent
Class 2: 0.85 per cent
Expected allocation time: 1000 (CEST) on the Bid date
Delivery and payment date: Friday, 24 April 2020
Delivery of Commercial paper: To the Riksbank's account in Euroclear Sweden AB's securities settlement system 1 4948 6383
General terms and conditions General terms and conditions for the Riksbank´s purchases of commercial papers via bid procedures 2020:1, dated 30 mars 2020 (see the Riksbank´s web).

Stockholm, 17 April 2020



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