Progress of annual general meeting in FirstFarms A/S

Udgivet den 28-04-2020  |  kl. 14:27  |  

Today, FirstFarms A/S held its annual general meeting which resulted in the following:

1.      The report on the company's activities was taken into cognizance.
2.      The audited annual report 2019 was approved and discharge was given to the Board of Directors.
3.      The result of the year of DKK 22.4 million for FirstFarms A/S was carried forward to next year.
4.      The general meeting approved the remuneration for 2020 to the Board of Directors.
5.      The general meeting re-elected Henrik Hougaard, Asbjørn Børsting and Jens Bolding Jensen as the company's Board of Directors. Karina Boldsen and Bendt Wedell were elected as new members of the company's Board of Directors.
6.      Pricewaterhouse Coopers was re-elected as the company's auditor.
7.      Proposals from the Board of Directors:
7.a.1  The general meeting authorised the Board of Directors to issue warrants and carry out the related capital increase.
7.b     The general meeting authorised the Board of Directors, in the period until the next annual general meeting, to let the company acquire own shares.
7.c     The general meeting authorised the chairman of the meeting with substitution right to report the adopted amendments and undertake the amendments in the adopted, which the Danish Business Authority or other authorities might demand or request carried out as condition for registration or approval.

On a board meeting held immediately after the annual general meeting the Board of Directors constituted itself with Henrik Hougaard as Chairman and Asbjørn Børsting as Vice Chairman.

Best regards
FirstFarms A/S

For further information:
Please visit our website or contact CEO Anders H. Nørgaard on telephone +45 75 86 87 87.

About FirstFarms:
FirstFarms is a Danish stock exchange listed company, which purchases and operates agriculture in Eastern Europe. We develop the individual farms to modern businesses that deliver milk, meat and grains of the highest quality to the local food processing companies. FirstFarms contributes to, and approves, the development towards a more sustainable agriculture.


(8) Progress of AGM


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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