Redemption of warrants - sale of treasury shares in SP Group A/S
In the open window, SP Group A/S has sold 39,028 number of SPG shares from the 2017 programme at a price of DKK 190.83 to five executive employees redeeming warrants. The total selling price amounts to DKK 7,447,713.00.
Thus, 79,028 warrants have been redeemed and 79,028 number of SPG shares have been sold, at a total amount of DKK 15,080,913.00.
Subsequently, there are still 11,535 warrants left under the 2016 programme and 208,200 warrants under the 2017 programme for later redemption. These warrants are hedged with treasury shares.
As of today, SP Group's total holding of own shares is 234,879 number of shares of a nominal value of DKK 2, corresponding to 1.88 % of the total number of issued shares of 12,490,000.
Meddelelse nr. 36 - Redemption of warrants - 08 09 20