Universal Fire and Casualty Insurance Company Selects ClarionDoor to Launch New Commercial Products

Udgivet den 02-02-2021  |  kl. 16:15  |  

SANTA BARBARA, Calif., Feb. 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Property and casualty (P&C) insurers, like Michigan-based Universal Fire and Casualty Insurance Company (UFCIC), are leveraging modern technology to differentiate themselves in an overwhelmingly competitive market. By selecting ClarionDoor, provider of the most intelligent insurance product distribution software, UFCIC is investing in state-of-the-art rating, quoting, and policy issuance to rapidly and cost-effectively launch new products for General Liability, Commercial Property, Business Owner Package, and Inland Marine.

Founded in 2003, over the years UFCIC has expanded with licenses to sell surety bond coverage in 40 states and commercial P&C products in 24 states with more state licenses in progress. However, this innovation-driven company is not bound by the monolithic technology approaches many insurers still use today, and has invested in ClarionDoor's API-first, cloud-native technologies to move past legacy limitations, and rapidly launch new commercial insurance products that address current market demands and de-risk business operations.

"We have reached a point in time where digital transformation is not a choice," said John Lucker, executive vice president of strategy and analytics at UFCIC. "With market conditions changing rapidly, we needed a technology solution that would position the company strategically in this space as we expand into new lines of business. We needed to do this at a fast pace to meet the demands of the marketplace and of our distribution partners. ClarionDoor's impeccable track record in delivering modern, flexible, and scalable solutions, on-time and on-budget, was a significant factor in our selection decision."

"Leveraging external data sources via industry standard API interfaces to improve operational efficiency and underwriting accuracy were a major goal for this implementation," said Tim Ellis, chief information officer at UFCIC. "Also key to our needs was the ability to maintain core operational parameters, business rules, and certain workflow via user maintainable controls and tables to avoid over dependence on IT developers. Being hosted exclusively on AWS, ClarionDoor's API-first, cloud-native solutions not only ensure the stability, security, and reliability we need, but also help us future-proof our technology environment."

ClarionDoor's insurance product distribution software provides insurers and MGAs the flexibility needed to rapidly create, launch, and distribute products for any line of business. With a deeper bench of data experts, implementation times that easily beat industry norms, guaranteed uptimes, and real-time scalability, ClarionDoor helps insurers and MGAs achieve immediate improvements in critical processes.

"Launching new products is traditionally complex," said Pat McCall, chief sales officer at ClarionDoor. "In today's market, insurance companies need to optimize their innovation rather than linger in implementation and our rapid development approach makes speed to market a reality. It is great to have UFCIC join the ClarionDoor family."
For more information, please contact Spiro Skias, Director of Product Marketing at ClarionDoor, at spiro.skias@clariondoor.com.

About Universal Fire & Casualty Insurance Company
Universal Fire & Casualty Insurance Company, founded in 2003, is a multiline admitted commercial lines insurance company with primary offices in Detroit, Michigan and Columbus, Ohio. Guided by an entrepreneurial spirit, UFCIC provides innovative insurance solutions to underserved small business commercial markets. We design our products intuitively and platform agnostic to accelerate high quality competitive underwriting decisions to our partners and customers. For more information, please visit www.ufcic.com.

About ClarionDoor
ClarionDoor is a cloud-native, SAAS provider of the most intelligent, insurance product distribution software with a multitude of customers live today across the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Our breakthrough API-first technology enables MGAs, brokers, carriers, and program administrators to rate, quote, and issue for any line of business; getting them live in weeks, and liberating them to focus on innovation, not implementation. Learn more at clariondoor.com.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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