Aite Group Announces Winners of the 2020 Impact Innovation Awards in Capital Markets

Udgivet den 04-03-2021  |  kl. 13:00  |  

Aite Group recognizes the innovative financial institutions that have leveraged best-in-class technology in the capital markets.

Boston, MA, March 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aite Group is pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 Impact Innovation Awards in capital markets. The awards recognize innovation achieved by financial institutions that have leveraged technology to set a higher standard. The awards will be presented virtually to the honorees later this month.

In its first year, the awards program honors the innovative financial institutions that are introducing new products, capabilities, or levels of automation and effectiveness that bring the industry one step closer to next-generation capital markets. These are the financial institutions, regardless of size, that others will follow. The winners across the five categories are as follows:
Customer experience: Tradeweb 
Digital channels: Intellect Design / MF Utilities India 
Operational efficiency: State Street  
Product development: Rialto Markets
Reporting and analytics: Virtu Financial

The award winners and finalists were selected based on the following criteria, which were considered when scoring each entry:

- Level of innovation and competitive advantage 
- Market need 
- Impact on customer experience
- Impact on customer operational efficiency
- Level of new revenue opportunity 
- Impact on customer retention/new customer attraction
- Level of scalability across customer base
- Future roadmap

"We welcome the opportunity to recognize and celebrate innovation in the capital markets industry," said Audrey Blater, research director at Aite Group. "2020 was a particularly challenging year, as financial institutions have been forced to think outside the box to address a heightened urgency for enhanced digital capabilities and experiences, achieve greater levels of automation and efficiency, and pursue more informed client engagement." 

The winners were selected by a seven-person panel that consisted of four Aite Group analysts and three external judges. The identification of an Aite Group award winner or finalist is not an endorsement by Aite Group of any vendor, product, or service.

To request additional information about Aite Group's Impact Innovation Awards, please contact us at

About Aite Group:
Aite Group is a global research and advisory firm delivering comprehensive, actionable advice on business, technology, and regulatory issues and their impact on the financial services industry. With expertise in banking, payments, insurance, wealth management, and the capital markets, we guide financial institutions, technology providers, and consulting firms worldwide. We partner with our clients, revealing their blind spots and delivering insights to make their businesses smarter and stronger. Visit us on the web and connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.


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