17/2024・Trifork Holding AG - Weekly report on share buyback

Udgivet den 11-03-2024  |  kl. 07:32  |  

Company announcement no. 17 / 2024
Schindellegi, Switzerland - 11 March 2024

Trifork Holding AG - Weekly report on share buyback

On 2 November 2023, Trifork initiated a share buyback program in accordance with Regulation No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and Council of 16 April 2014 (MAR) and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052, (Safe Harbour regulation). The share buyback program runs from 2 November 2023 up to and including no later than 31 March 2024. For details, please see announcement no. 17 of 31 October 2023.

Under the share buyback program, Trifork will purchase shares for up to a total of DKK 15 million (approximately EUR 2 million). Prior to the launch of the share buyback, Trifork held 232,497 treasury shares, corresponding to 1.2% of the share capital.

Under the program, the following transactions have been made:

Date         Number of shares        Average purchase price (DKK)        Transaction value (DKK)
Total, last announcement 116,047 116.50 13,519,980
4 March 2024 1,200 127.30 152,760
5 March 2024 1,300 127.79 166,127
6 March 2024 1,300 128.55 167,115
7 March 2024 1,000 128.46 128,460
8 March 2024 1,000 128.60 128,600
Accumulated 121,847 117.06 14,263,042

Since the share buyback program was initiated on 2 November 2023, the total number of repurchased shares is 121,847 at a total amount of DKK 14,263,042. As of 2 January 2024, 6,712 shares acquired through the share buyback program were utilized to fulfill Trifork's obligations under its employee share program and allocated to employees. As of 1 March 2024, 17,048 shares acquired through the share buyback program were utilized to fulfill Trifork's obligations under its employee share program and allocated to Executive Management.

With the transactions stated above, Trifork holds a total of 330,584 treasury shares, corresponding to 1.7% of total registered shares. The total number of registered shares in Trifork is 19,744,899. Adjusted for treasury shares, the number of outstanding shares is 19,414,315.

Information and questions
Frederik Svanholm, Group Investment Director, frsv@trifork.com, +41 79 357 73 17

About Trifork
Trifork is a global NextGen IT company that develops innovative software solutions in collaboration with its customers. The company has more than 1,200 employees across 72 business units in 15 countries. Trifork works in six business areas: Digital Health, FinTech, Smart Building, Smart Enterprise, Cloud Operations, and Cyber Protection. Trifork's research and development takes place in Trifork Labs, where Trifork continuously invests in and develops technology companies. Trifork owns and operates the software conference brands GOTO and YOW! and the global GOTO tech community with more than 62 million video views online. Trifork Holding AG is a publicly listed company on Nasdaq Copenhagen. Learn more at trifork.com.


240311_TH CA 17_Buyback


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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