Annual general meeting of Spar Nord Bank A/S

Udgivet den 19-03-2024  |  kl. 17:11  |  

Company announcement no. 22


Annual general meeting of Spar Nord Bank A/S

Results of the annual general meeting held on 19 March 2024:

The report by the Board of Directors, the audited financial statements and the proposal for allocation of profits were approved.The Company's remuneration policy, the remuneration report for 2023 and the level of the Board's remuneration in 2024 were approved.The authorisation to the Company to buy treasury shares was approved.The proposals from the Board of Directors to amend the Articles of Association were approved.Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was appointed as external auditors to audit the Company's financial statements and to prepare a report on the Company's sustainability reporting.

As part of the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association it was approved that the Company's share capital be reduced by nominally DKK 27,645,950 (equal to 2,764,595 shares of DKK 10 each) from nominally DKK 1,204,666,260 to nominally DKK 1,177,020,310 through the cancellation of treasury shares.

The shares in question were acquired in connection with the Company's share buyback programme, which was carried out from 13 February 2023 to 31 January 2024.

Election of members to the Board of Directors
Kjeld Johannesen (Nibe), Henrik Sjøgreen (Gentofte) and Morten Bach Gaardboe (Slagelse) were re-elected as board members. Mette Kaagaard (Birkerød), CEO of Microsoft Denmark and Iceland, was elected as a new board member.

In addition, the Board of Directors consists of Per Nikolaj Bukh (Risskov), Lisa Lund Holst (Virum), Michael Lundgaard Thomsen (Aalborg) and members elected by the employees: Jannie Skovsen, chairman of Spar Nord Kreds, Gitte Holmgaard, deputy chairman of Spar Nord Kreds, and Rikke Marie Christiansen, HR Partner.

At the subsequent board meeting, the Board of Directors elected Kjeld Johannesen as chairman and Per Nikolaj Bukh as deputy chairman.

Spar Nord
Martin Bach
SVP Corporate Communication


No. 22 - Annual General Meeting of Spar Nord Bank - UK


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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