SATO ranked again as one of Finland's best places to work

Udgivet den 20-03-2024  |  kl. 08:15  |  

SATO Corporation
Press release 20 March 2024 at 10:15 am

SATO was ranked outstandingly at sixth in Finland's Best Workplaces 2023 listing published by Great Place to Work Finland on 20 March 2024. Being ranked at sixth in the category of large enterprises is excellent proof of the sustained efforts made at SATO to develop aspects such as the employee experience and managerial work as well as to promote the wellbeing of employees.

This year was the second consecutive year that SATO participated in the Great Place to Work survey. Last year, SATO was ranked at number ten in the large enterprises category.

"Being ranked at number sixth is an outstanding result for which thanks go to our staff. I believe our excellent ranking results from our supportive workplace community and our managerial style that takes account of the needs of staff members. Work at SATO is also made attractive by the opportunity to do varied and meaningful work in the field of housing," says SATO VP for Human Resources Johanna Koramo.

According to the Great Place to Work survey results, SATO is a great place to work thanks to trust, good managerial work and a friendly workplace atmosphere. Equal treatment and flexibility of work were also highlighted in responses. Areas in need of development include stronger inclusion of all SATO staff members in development work and increased clarity of personal development opportunities.

"Workplaces evolve continuously. In 2023, we embarked on a journey towards increased diversity and equity at SATO. It's important for us that every SATO staff member is able to come to work as themselves - while of course promoting our common values. The high regard of our co-workers shows that we've made progress in our aim of being an open and respectful workplace community," Koramo continues.

For the full list of Finland's Best Workplaces, visit here.

For more information, please contact:

Johanna Koramo, VP, Human Resources, + 358 40 134 4083

Email address format:

For media enquiries, please contact: Marjaana Kivioja, Communications Manager, SATO Corporation, phone. +358 400 773 181


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