Rapala VMC Corporation: Board member Jorma Kasslin has passed away

Udgivet den 15-04-2024  |  kl. 15:30  |  

Rapala VMC Corporation, Changes board/management/auditors, April 15, 2024, at 06:30 p.m. EET

Long-time Board member of Rapala VMC Corporation, Jorma Kasslin, has passed away. He died suddenly after a brief illness on April 14, 2024. Kasslin was 70 years old and had been a member of Rapala VMC's Board of Directors since 1998, serving as Chairman from 2016 to 2018 and as President and CEO from 1998 to 2016.

The Board of Directors, management, and staff of Rapala VMC Corporation extend their deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Jorma Kasslin.

During Jorma Kasslin's tenure as CEO, Rapala VMC expanded into an international enterprise, becoming a global market leader in several segments of the sports fishing business. He was a leader who placed great importance on the well-being of the staff. Colleagues from around the world will miss Jorma dearly.

Jorma was my leader for many years, starting from 1998. He was an encouraging director who provided everyone with a common direction and vision. Jorma always focused on finding positive solutions in his work. His contribution has been decisive in Rapala VMC's journey to becoming one of the world's leading companies in the industry.

Rapala VMC Corporation

Lars Ollberg
President and Chief Executive Officer

For additional information, please contact:
Tuomo Leino, Investor Relations

tel. +358 9 7562 540

About Rapala VMC Corporation
Rapala VMC Group is the world's leading fishing tackle company and the global market leader in fishing lures, treble hooks and fishing related knives and tools. The Group also has a strong global position in other fishing categories and Rapala VMC's distribution network is largest in the fishing industry. The main manufacturing facilities are in Finland, France, Estonia, and the UK. Rapala VMC Group's brand portfolio includes the leading brand in the industry, Rapala, and other global brands such as VMC, Sufix, Storm, Blue Fox, Luhr Jensen, Williamson, Dynamite Baits, Mora Ice, StrikeMaster, Marttiini, Peltonen and 13 Fishing as well as Okuma in Europe. The Group, with net sales of EUR 222 million in 2023, employs some 1 400 people in approximately 40 countries. Rapala VMC Corporation's share is listed and traded on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange since 1998.




Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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