Orion Corporation: Managers' transactions - Maziar Mike Doustdar

Udgivet den 06-05-2024  |  kl. 09:00  |  

6 MAY 2024 at 12.00 EEST

Orion Corporation: Managers' transactions - Maziar Mike Doustdar

Orion Corporation has received the following disclosure under Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014, regarding transactions with shares and linked securities in Orion Corporation made by managers and their closely associated persons.

Orion Oyj - Managers' Transactions
Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: Maziar Doustdar
Position: Member of the Board/Deputy member
Issuer: Orion Oyj
LEI: 74370029VAHCXDR7B745
Reference number: 61578/4/4

Transaction date: 2024-05-03
Outside a trading venue
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI0009014377

Transaction details
(1): Volume: 556 Unit price: 0 EUR

Aggregated transactions (1):
Volume: 556 Volume weighted average price: 0 EUR

Orion Corporation

Liisa Hurme

President and CEO
    Olli Huotari

SVP, Corporate Functions


Orion Corporation
Orionintie 1A, FI-02200 Espoo, Finland

Orion is a globally operating Finnish pharmaceutical company - a builder of well-being. We develop, manufacture and market human and veterinary pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients. Orion has an extensive portfolio of proprietary and generic medicines and consumer health products. The core therapy areas of our pharmaceutical R&D are oncology and pain. Proprietary products developed by Orion are used to treat cancer, neurological diseases and respiratory diseases, among others. Orion's net sales in 2023 amounted to EUR 1,190 million and the company had about 3,600 employees at the end of the year. Orion's A and B shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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