Company announcement: Milestone achievement with three consecutive months of profitability in Denmark

Udgivet den 04-06-2024  |  kl. 10:30  |  

Company Announcement no. 152 - 2024
Copenhagen, June 4th, 2024

Company announcement: Milestone achievement with three consecutive months of profitability in Denmark 

GreenMobility continues its announced strategy of bringing the group to a profitable level in 2024. In line with this, the company has recorded 3 consecutive months of profitability (March, April and May 2024) on the continued operations as a result of a successful implementation of its strategic plan.  

This achievement is a testament to the effectiveness of our new strategy and our commitment to delivering on our guidance of achieving profitability for the continued business in 2024.  

We re-confirm our guidance for 2024: Revenue of DKK 115-125 million, which corresponds to a growth of 52-66% compared to the Danish market in 2023. 

Profit before tax of DKK 0-10 million 
We will provide a comprehensive walkthrough of the financial data and insights into our performance during the presentation of our Q2 2024 results. The Q2 2024 results will be published on August 13th, 2024. 

Contact and further information 

Kasper Gjedsted CEO, +45 21 41 80 30: 

About GreenMobility
GreenMobility offers modern urbanites easy, flexible, and sustainable transport in the form of electric shared city cars. Users have access to these cars via the GreenMobility app. Trips are paid per minute, through minute packages, on a daily basis or through a subscription. Today, GreenMobility operates a total of 1,400 EVs. More than 250,000 people are registered as customers at GreenMobility.


Milestone achievement with three consecutive months of profitability in Denmark


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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