The World's First International Drone Competition Will Brighten Up Nha Trang's Sky This July 2024

Udgivet den 26-06-2024  |  kl. 14:57  |  

NHA TRANG, Vietnam, June 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- From July 13 to 20, the world's first-ever international drone competition - Drone Light Battle 2024: Ever Glamour Nha Trang (EGN 2024), will be held in the picturesque coastal city of Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam.

In two nights, four teams from China, South Korea, France, and the United Arab Emirates, each boasting cutting-edge drone technologies, will compete under distinct themes: Glamour Nha Trang and Night of the Wonders. Each night will showcase two teams, with 20-minute performances featuring a breathtaking display of at least 1,000 drones each. Awe-inspiring aerial stages with light and music that brighten up Nha Trang's sky promise the most stunning visual and sound experiences for the audiences.

Ever Glamour Nha Trang 2024 will take place this July 2024

EGN 2024 will mark a milestone for Vietnam tourism with the world's largest-scale festival of light ever held in the year. Eight performances will utilize a staggering 8,000 drones within a single month in Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province, meaning a new record may be set for the biggest aerial drone light shows in the country in particular and Southeast Asia in general.

The festival will push the boundaries of drone technology, showcasing innovations such as superlight drones, ultra-lightweight drones, and pyrodrones.

As one of the most looked-forward-to occasions for global tourists, EGN 2024 is expected to be on par with the largest light festivals in the world, such as Vivid Sydney (Australia), Fête des Lumières (France), Diwali (India), and Bright Christmas Festival (Brazil). It will move beyond the traditional light festivals to bring unprecedented experiences - a feast of technology, light, music, and cultural activities by the sea. It is estimated that around 1 million domestic and international visitors will come to Nha Trang City during this most-anticipated event.

Live music performances from famous Vietnamese artists, such as Divo Tung Duong, Van Mai Huong, Phuong Ly, and MONO, will complement the art of drone display, creating an exciting concert-like atmosphere for the festival.

Nha Trang City has won the hearts of tourists worldwide for its enchanting nature, rich cultural values, and top-notch entertainment. This summer, it is getting even more bustling with non-stop excitement day and night, including nightlife experiences, ocean exploration tours, shopping avenues, and mesmerizing shows on the sea. Notable events such as the International Ocean Tourism Festival, WonderFest Nha Trang by Vinpearl & VinWonders, and EGN 2024 further highlight the city's position as a leading recreation hub in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

Mr. Dinh Van Thieu, Vice Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee, shared: EGN 2024 is a chance for Khanh Hoa province and Nha Trang city to elevate the potential of cultural and art festivals and turn the city into one of the next top-of-mind international event hotspots. We hope EGN will become the distinction of Nha Trang and become a not-to-be-missed arena for world-class drone performances.

EGN 2024 is directed by the Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee and organized by the Khanh Hoa Department of Tourism and Corex Business Solutions. The event boasts a prestigious list of partners and sponsors, including leading Vietnamese and international brands such as Vinpearl, VinWonders, Heineken, Agribank, VCN, Chicilon Media...

The event will take place on two back-to-back Saturdays, July 13th and 20th, at the April 2nd Square (2/4 Square) and VinWonders Nha Trang. Get ready for an international drone competition in Nha Trang via:

About Khanh Hoa Province

Nestled along the South Central Coast of Vietnam, Khanh Hoa has a coastline stretching nearly 400 kilometers, with over 1,000 tourism accommodations across the province. The place is famous among both domestic and international travelers for its pristine white-sand beaches lapped by turquoise waters, all set against a backdrop of dreamlike natural landscapes. Venturing into the city of Nha Trang, the heart of Khanh Hoa province, visitors are greeted by a myriad of high-quality tourism products, a tantalizing array of culinary delights, and a treasure trove of historical sites and renowned landmarks.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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