Udgivet den 01-07-2024  |  kl. 08:30  |  
COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT no. 47 - 1 July 2024

On 9 February 2024, DFDS A/S ("DFDS") announced the initiation of a share buyback programme to be executed in accordance with EU Market Abuse Regulation, EU Regulation no. 596/2014 of 16 April 2014, and the provisions of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 (the "Safe Harbour Rules").

Under the programme, DFDS will repurchase own shares of up to DKK 431m during the period from 12 February 2024 to 31 December 2024. A maximum of 3,400,000 shares will be repurchased. These limits include shares purchased under the Safe Harbour rules as well as shares purchased from Lauritzen Fonden Holding ApS on a pro rata basis to the shares purchased in the programme under a separate agreement with DFDS outside the Safe Harbour Rules.

Transactions 24-28 June
The following transactions have been made under the share buyback programme from Monday 24 June 2024 to Friday 28 June 2024:

  Number of shares Avg. purchase price (DKK) Transaction value (DKK)
Accumulated, last announcement 951,430 - 198,318,439
24 June 2024 6,000 200 1,202,983
25 June 2024 5,382 202 1,087,248
26 June 2024 5,932 202 1,196,630
27 June 2024 6,000 199 1,191,452
28 June 2024 6,000 200 1,197,166
Accumulated 24-28 June 2024* 29,314 200 5,875,479
Purchased from Lauritzen Fonden Holding ApS on 28 June 2024 20,838 200 4,176,613
Accumulated under programme 1,001,582 208 208,370,530
*Purchased under Safe Harbour rules

Following the above transactions, DFDS holds a total of 2,731,335 treasury shares corresponding to 4.7% of DFDS' total share capital.

Transaction details for the week are enclosed.


Søren Brøndholt Nielsen, IR +45 33 42 33 59

About DFDS

We operate a transport network in and around Europe with an annual revenue of DKK 28bn and 14,000 full-time employees.

We move goods in trailers by ferry, road & rail, and we offer complementary and related transport and logistics solutions.

We also move car and foot passengers on short sea and overnight ferry routes.

DFDS was founded in 1866 and headquartered and listed in Copenhagen.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act




Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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