Companjon makes CNBC's inaugural World's Top Insurtech Companies list following independent evaluation of market by Statista

Udgivet den 14-08-2024  |  kl. 07:30  |  

The B2B2C modern embedded insurance solutions provider is one of 150 companies recognized following an independent, KPI-based analysis and evaluation of the global insurtech market.Companjon is one of 30 firms awarded in the "Marketing, sales, & distribution" segment, which are insurtechs that aim to drive business growth and customer satisfaction.

DUBLIN, Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Companjon, a leader in B2B2C modern embedded insurance solutions, has been named in CNBC's "World's Top Insurtech Companies 2024" report. The inaugural publication assessed the companies shaping the future of the insurance industry following in-depth research into relevant, growth-focused KPIs by a team of analysts at independent firm Statista. Companjon was one of 150 companies awarded from over 1,000 eligible companies.

Companjon is one of 30 to be specifically recognized in the "Marketing, sales & distribution" segment, which are insurtechs that aim to drive business growth and customer satisfaction through the provision of innovative tools and infrastructure to improve the way insurance products are launched, marketed, sold, and distributed.

The company has had a boundary-breaking year to date, recently expanding its geographic footprint beyond the EEA to include end customers in the US and the UK. Companjon also introduced its first-in-market "dynamic insurance" products in February, which leverage advanced technology such as machine learning and artificial intelligence to personalize and optimize insurance offerings - resulting in the right product, at the right price, in the right place for the end customer.

Companjon CEO, Matthias Naumann, said: "We are so proud to be recognized by leading media outlet CNBC, through the evaluation by leading market research firm Statista, as one of the world's top insurtech companies this year. Our strong, exponential growth over the last two years is a testament to the value we have been delivering to our business partners, creating new ancillary revenue and delighting their end customers. We are grateful for their collaboration with our team which has helped drive the innovation happening within our business, moving us from proof of concept to proof point.

Companjon, established in 2020, seeks to change the way people think about insurance. The company has experienced rapid growth in the last year, achieving over 33 million transactions in 2023. It has launched a variety of modernized and parametric insurtech solutions with globally recognized brands in the events and entertainment, mobility, e-commerce, and fintech sectors. Its unparalleled solution design leverages the latest technology, like AI, to delight its business partners' customers in 32 countries and counting.

About Companjon 

Companjon is a leading B2B2C insurtech start-up specializing in fully digital, AI-driven embedded insurance. Its modern, end-to-end insurance solutions enable companies to delight their customers and drive more business value from stronger brand loyalty and new ancillary revenue opportunities. Companjon designs, builds, and underwrites its dynamically priced solutions on a 100% cloud-based platform capable of issuing 32,000 policies per second, integrating API gateways easily, and leveraging the latest advanced technology. It has been recognized as one of the World's Top Insurtech Companies 2024 by CNBC and one of the world's most innovative insurtechs by FinTech Global for three consecutive years (2021-2023), among other awards.

Companjon seeks to change the way people think about insurance by creating seamless and positive experiences when things don't go as planned: being right there when 'life' happens. The company is registered in Ireland and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Media Contact:
Kimberly Littlefield
+353 (0)86 107 0416


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