Kalmar and Volvo Penta deepen collaboration with framework service agreement for engines

Udgivet den 03-09-2024  |  kl. 07:00  |  


Kalmar has signed a framework service agreement with global integrated power solutions provider Volvo Penta to become an authorised service provider for Volvo Penta engines installed in Kalmar and Toijala Works machines. The agreement will combine the strengths of both companies' service networks and improve service capabilities towards the customers. The agreement was signed in Q3 2024. 

Volvo Penta, part of the Volvo Group, is a world-leading supplier of engines and complete power systems for marine and industrial applications. Approximately 50% of the machines Kalmar manufactures are supplied with Volvo Penta engines.

Under the agreement, Kalmar service technicians will be authorised to perform service and repair work on engines to an agreed technical level. The agreement covers both warranty-related and post-warranty service and repair work.

Initially, the agreement will cover Italy, Spain, South Africa and Norway. Roll out to additional countries will proceed according to a plan agreed between Kalmar, Volvo Penta and the Volvo Penta service dealer network.

"Adding value for owners and operators of machines powered by Volvo Penta is of utmost importance to us. The framework service agreement is proof of this and a result of the close cooperation we have with Kalmar," says Björn Säljö, Vice President Service Market Industrial at Volvo Penta.

"We are delighted to continue our long-term collaboration with Volvo Penta. This framework agreement significantly enhances our service offering and value proposition, and marks a transformative step for our operations and service capabilities. As an authorised Volvo Penta service partner we will be able to reduce downtime and improve productivity for customers who own machines powered by Volvo Penta engines," says Thomas Malmborg, President, Kalmar Services.

Further information for the press:

Thomas Malmborg, President, Kalmar Services, thomas.malmborg@kalmarglobal.com

Maija Eklöf, Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Kalmar, tel. +358 20 777 4096, maija.eklof@kalmarglobal.com

Kalmar (Nasdaq Helsinki: KALMAR) is moving goods in critical supply chains around the world, with a vision to be the forerunner in sustainable material handling equipment and services. The company offers a wide range of industry shaping heavy material handling equipment and services to ports and terminals, distribution centres, manufacturing and heavy logistics. Headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, Kalmar operates globally in over 120 countries and employs approximately 5,200 people. In 2023, the company's sales on a carve-out basis totalled approximately EUR 2.0 billion. www.kalmarglobal.com


Kalmar and Volvo Penta deepen collaboration with framework service agreement for engines


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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