More agricultural products from Guizhou appeal in Hong Kong SAR

Udgivet den 03-09-2024  |  kl. 06:57  |  

Guizhou Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

GUIYANG, China, Sept. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Agriculture has become one of the most important fields for cooperation between southwest China's Guizhou Province and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR).

A series of promotion activities, hosted by the provincial department of agriculture and rural affairs as well as the department of commerce in Guizhou, was held in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in August.

This was the eighth year that Guizhou participated in the Hong Kong Food Trade Expo and Hong Kong International Tea Fair, hoping to further expand the international market with the help of Hong Kong SAR.

The organizers invited 32 agricultural enterprises from Guizhou to hold agricultural exhibitions and brand promotion at the event.

Guizhou boasts good ecological environment, and has developed nutritious and clean green agricultural products, including matcha, coix seed and gastrodia elata.

By virtue of the resource endowment, Guizhou has cultivated eight advantageous agriculture industrial clusters in chili peppers, edible fungi, beef, Chinese medical herbs, green tea and broiler chicken.

At present, the total cultivated areas of tea leaves, chili peppers and Roxburgh roses are stable at 7 million mu (about 466,667 hectares), 5 million mu and 2.1 million mu respectively, all ranking top across the country.

In 2023, matcha sales in Jiangkou County had surpassed 1,000 tonnes, with a total output value of 200 million yuan (about 28.2 million U.S. dollars).

Source: Guizhou Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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