South East Coast Ambulance Service Becomes First Ambulance Fleet to Equip Digital Alerting

Udgivet den 18-09-2024  |  kl. 09:00  |  

West Sussex, England, Sept. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HAAS Alert and ACETECH is pleased to announce a new pilot programme in partnership with South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SECAMB). HAAS Alert, a company with the largest commercially deployed V2X safety network powered by its Safety Cloud® digital alerting platform, and ACETECH, a global supplier of software and vehicle solutions for the emergency services will equip SECAMB vehicles with Safety Cloud digital alerting system.

HAAS Alert's Safety Cloud platform enables real-time alerting between emergency vehicles and consumer vehicles for safer and smarter roads. The company expanded Safety Cloud's digital alerting coverage to Europe in November of 2023. This new program will make South East Coast Ambulance Service the first ambulance fleet in Europe to be equipped with digital alerting.

"We hope that not only will Safety Cloud support the safety of our crews, patients and other road users through the reduction in vehicle collisions, but it will also reduce our long term VORs and vehicle repair costs. Furthermore, the straightforward path it provides can also help deliver a potential reduction in our operational response times and will also help us to reduce our carbon footprint," says Robert Martin, Fleet Services Manager for South East Coast Ambulance Service. "This pilot also aligns with one of our key department objectives - Striving for Continuous Improvement. It will be crucial in creating safer and more efficient roads in the South East. In addition to traditional light and siren warnings, motorists will now also receive digital alerts much earlier, creating a safer experience for both the motorists and our operational staff"

ACETECH provides connected safety and sustainability solutions that improve the safety of emergency services fleets, and at the same time help Trusts on their NetZero journey by reducing their carbon footprint. Through the Unified Software Platform, services receive customised analytics detailing the risk reduction these solutions have in real-time and also historically, enabling Trusts to easily demonstrate the success and impact of the change.

But an integrated solution from ACETECH and HAAS Alert goes beyond that. Through this new pilot program, SECAMB will be able to alert the motoring public of those locations so they can slow down and move over with enough time to spare.

"ACETECH understands and admires South East Coast Ambulance Service's dedication to safety and minimising risk to patients and staff," says David Crombie, Regional Director, UK and IRE. "ACETECH's Vision Zero is our intent to increase safety and sustainability globally and through this collaboration with HAAS Alert, together we will help SECAMB to just that."

Thanks to this integration, South East Coast Ambulance Service will be able to start alerting the public without any additional software or hardware needed. They're able to launch directly through ACETECH, which aligns with the fleet's emphasis on using digital advancements to enhance service delivery and care.

"HAAS Alert's mission is to build mobility solutions that transform global roadway safety," says Gareth Evans, European Director of Strategy and Business Development of HAAS Alert. "Working with ACETECH to fully-equip the first European ambulance fleet is a crucial and exciting step forward in that mission."

About HAAS Alert
HAAS Alert's mission is to build lifesaving mobility solutions to make vehicles and roads safer and smarter. Our vision is a connected, collision-free world where everyone gets home safely. HAAS Alert makes roads and communities safer by delivering digital alerts from emergency response, municipal and private fleets, work zones, and connected infrastructure to nearby drivers through its vehicle communication platform.

For more information, visit

ACETECH™ is a global supplier of Connected Safety, Sustainability & Control solutions for the emergency services market. We design innovative cloud-based fleet performance software, specialist modules and intelligent control systems for healthcare providers and government bodies. These solutions integrate seamlessly with our clients' emergency service vehicles to help improve performance, reduce risk and minimise their carbon footprint.

For more information, visit


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