ExxonMobil Announces Launch of Signature Polymers

Udgivet den 01-10-2024  |  kl. 16:00  |  

A new portfolio brand focused on delivering best-in-class service and partnership in the polymers industry

SPRING, Texas, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  ExxonMobil today announces the introduction of Signature Polymers, a new approach to service and partnership with customers and the broader value chain. The stated brand ambition of Signature Polymers is to become the industry's most valued global partner through improved service and partnership. ExxonMobil will introduce new programs that inspire and inform the way it positions products and provides support to help customers innovate, strategize, and grow. This approach will enable customers to be more confident in meeting the value chain's complex challenges by removing complexity and inspiring enhanced collaboration.

Key Points:

Polyolefin products are now combined under a single portfolio brand, Signature Polymers.Several new initiatives and strengthened programs to demonstrate this commitment to customers, some examples include: Established customer commitments to underpin the enhanced approach to serving customers and the broader value chain.New "PolyView" events to facilitate industry dialogue through sharing market insights and bring together the broader value chain.Signature polymers product architecture standardization and naming simplified to improve portfolio navigation and product selection.A new Signature Polymers Academy focused on delivering training and workshops for our customers in key markets.

"We are proud of the long history we have with our customers in markets around the world," said Juhan Robberts, Senior Vice President, ExxonMobil. "As our industry faces increasing challenges, we believe our position as a leading global polyolefins supplier puts us in a unique position to deliver a new level of service and partnership to our customers. We are elevating our customer experience and launching our new brand structure as a commitment to this promise to deliver enhanced service and partnership."

To better equip team members to serve as partners, all Signature Polymers employees are enrolled in comprehensive training to recognize methods and opportunities to listen, learn, and collaborate to ultimately meet customer needs and enhance customer experience.

The Signature Polymers group is providing platforms to facilitate collaboration and exchange of ideas. New, exclusive PolyView industry events are designed to increase dialogue between industry leaders and bring together experts from across the value chain to address the challenges and opportunities in the plastics industry.

As a result of industry feedback, the ExxonMobil polyolefins portfolio is now organized according to a benefit-led customer mindset.

"Our products are now positioned under a single brand, Signature Polymers," said Alechia Crown, Global Brand Manager, ExxonMobil. "Over the next year we will transition some of our brands and grade names to better reflect the attributes and benefits they provide. We'll have fewer, more significant brands. Our high-quality polymers aren't changing, just the names."

A new Signature Polymers Academy aims to provide training and workshop opportunities for customers and their employees. These forums are intended to serve as enablers for partners to build key relationships and capabilities to further their business.

For more information about ExxonMobil's Signature Polymers brand program, go to exxonmobilchemical.com/sp.  To register for one of their eight upcoming worldwide webinars, visit here.

About ExxonMobil Signature Polymers

To learn more about how ExxonMobil Signature Polymers can partner with you, please visit exxonmobilchemical.com/sp or follow us on LinkedIn.

Adam Brett


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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