Broadcom to Host VMware Explore 2024 Barcelona for Customers and Partners

Udgivet den 22-10-2024  |  kl. 07:00  |  

PALO ALTO, Calif., Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO), which recently acquired VMware, is hosting VMware Explore 2024 Barcelona November 4-7 at the Fira Gran Via, featuring a variety of breakout sessions, certification training, and labs spanning relevant technology and industry topics.

On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. CET, Broadcom President and CEO Hock Tan will address VMware Explore attendees during the general session keynote titled "Shaping the Future of Cloud and AI Innovation." The general session will feature Broadcom leaders, VMware experts, and European customers showcasing advancements in private cloud, generative AI, app delivery, and the edge.

In addition to the general session keynote, VMware Explore will deliver rich technical content beginning Monday, November 4 featuring 400-plus sessions across five content tracks, providing attendees with opportunities to gain actionable insights on how to better run, scale, and secure enterprise workloads and accelerate cloud transformation. To view the full list of sessions, please visit the Content Catalog:

Attendees will also have access to top ecosystem partners at The Expo, hands-on learning and certification training, networking opportunities with peers from around the globe, and more. To register to attend VMware Explore 2024 Barcelona, please visit:

Broadcom plans to host VMware Explore 2025 Las Vegas at The Venetian Convention and Expo Center August 25-28, 2025.

Follow VMware Explore 2024 Barcelona on social media for updates:


About VMware Explore
VMware Explore aims to be the industry's go-to-event for all things cloud. VMware Explore 2024 will feature expert-led business and technical sessions, an extensive ecosystem of the top cloud partners, a thriving marketplace of ISVs, ​and several networking events across the VMware community. With an unparalleled view into cloud infrastructure, for all applications, VMware Explore 2024 attendees will gain the knowledge and tools they need to solve challenges by simplifying cloud complexity without compromise.

To learn more about VMware Explore, please visit:

About Broadcom
Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO) is a global technology leader that designs, develops, and supplies a broad range of semiconductor, enterprise software and security solutions. Broadcom's category-leading product portfolio serves critical markets including cloud, data center, networking, broadband, wireless, storage, industrial, and enterprise software. Our solutions include service provider and enterprise networking and storage, mobile device and broadband connectivity, mainframe, cybersecurity, and private and hybrid cloud infrastructure. Broadcom is a Delaware corporation headquartered in Palo Alto, CA. For more information, go to

Media Contact:
Heather Haley
Broadcom Global Communications


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