Virtune AB (Publ) Launches Virtune Crypto Altcoin Index ETP On Nasdaq Stockholm

Udgivet den 04-11-2024  |  kl. 09:00  |  

Stockholm, November 4, 2024 - Virtune, a Swedish regulated crypto asset manager, today announced the launch of Virtune Crypto Altcoin Index ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm, the largest stock exchange in the Nordic region.

Key description about the product:

Virtune Crypto Altcoin Index ETP offers investors exposure to an equal-weighted basket of up to 10 leading alternative crypto assets (altcoins), excluding Bitcoin and Ethereum. The product is 100% physically backed by the underlying crypto assets and provides investors with a simple and secure way to gain broad exposure to the crypto market beyond Bitcoin and Ethereum. The product is rebalanced monthly, resetting the holdings to equal weight, and existing crypto assets can be excluded and new crypto assets may be included.

This launch marks a significant milestone in offering diversified investment opportunities within crypto through regulated exchange traded products across the Nordics, and this marks Virtune's 13th ETP. Virtune Crypto Altcoin Index ETP can be traded via an ISK, capital insurance, or a custodial account and is available at Avanza and Nordnet.

As of 31st of October 2024, the index that the product tracks, Virtune Vinter Crypto Altcoin Index, had the following weights:

Solana: 14.28%
XRP: 14.28%
Cardano: 14.28%
Avalanche: 14.28%
Chainlink: 14.28%
Litecoin: 14.28%
Uniswap: 14.28%

Only crypto assets that are part of the Nasdaq Crypto Index Europe can be included since the product is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

Key benefits of Virtune Crypto Altcoin Index ETP:

Exposure to up to 10 leading altcoins (Bitcoin and Ethereum are excluded)
Equal-weighted holdings of each crypto asset
100% physically backed by the underlying crypto assets
Monthly rebalancing
2.50% annual management fee

Virtune Crypto Altcoin Index ETP:

Full name: Virtune Crypto Altcoin Index ETP
Short name: Virtune Crypto Altcoin Index
Index: Virtune Vinter Crypto Altcoin Index
Trading currency: SEK
First trading day: Monday, November 4, 2024
ISIN: SE0023260716
Exchange: Nasdaq Stockholm

Christopher Kock, CEO of Virtune:
"We are pleased to announce the launch of Virtune Crypto Altcoin Index ETP, which is listed today on Nasdaq Stockholm. As the crypto market continues to evolve and new investment opportunities arise, this product enables investors to gain exposure to a basket of up to ten leading crypto assets beyond Bitcoin and Ethereum. Our partnerships with market-leading partners such as Vinter (index provider), Flow Traders (market maker), and Coinbase (custodian) ensure that we continue to deliver innovative and in-demand investment products to the market.

This ETP caters to both institutional and retail investors, addressing the increasing demand for exposure to altcoins from Nordic investors.

If you are an institutional investor interested in exploring the potential of our current and upcoming ETPs for your discretionary asset management or wish to learn more about Virtune and our product offering, please feel free to contact us. Visit for more information, and register your email address on our website to receive updates on upcoming ETP launches and other news related to crypto assets.

Press contact
Christopher Kock, CEO Virtune AB (Publ)
+46 70 073 45 64

Virtune with its headquarters in Stockholm is a regulated Swedish digital asset manager and issuer of crypto exchange traded products on regulated European exchanges.With regulatory compliance, strategic collaborations with industry leaders and our proficient team, we empower investors on a global level to access innovative and sophisticated investment products that are aligned with the evolving landscape of the global crypto market.

Crypto investments are associated with high risk. Virtune does not provide investment advice; investments are made at your own risk. Securities may increase or decrease in value, there is no guarantee of getting back invested capital. Read the prospectus, KID, terms at


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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