Shenzhen China Wins the World Smart City Awards, Demonstrating the Global Influence of Social Intelligent Governance of Mega City

Udgivet den 08-11-2024  |  kl. 04:22  |  

BARCELONA, Spain, Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On November 6, Central European Time, at the 2024 Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) held in Barcelona, Shenzhen stood out from 429 candidate cities from 64 countries and regions to win the World Smart City Awards, demonstrating China's extraordinary strength and potential in building smart cities.

Centered on the theme of building a new smart city benchmark, making city smarter and life better, the comprehensive solution for building a smart city tendered by Shenzhen integrates the city's people-oriented concept of smart city construction, and provides several highlight cases. The jury committee believes that Shenzhen has comprehensively demonstrated its innovation outcomes and excellent solutions in key areas such as enabling technology, transportation, energy and environment, governance, industry and economy, livability and inclusiveness, safety and emergency response, infrastructure and construction, and created an intelligent and humanistic digitalized city by its unique urban construction philosophy, foundation and landscape.

With respect to urban governance, Shenzhen has preliminarily built up the digital twin base for the whole city area, which combines nearly 10,000 BIM refined models of major buildings, forms the digital twin data system covering three primary categories (urban basic space, management targets and IoT perception) and 25 subdivisions, and offers 4,000+ data services. The city has created 200+ digital twin application scenarios including the industrial scenarios of one graph for urban water management, one graph for power charge, storage and discharge, planning and design of the 5th-phase rail transit, and promoted the comprehensive application of digital twins in urban areas like Houhai, Xiangmihu and Guangming Science City. For example, by creating applications for urban flood disaster prevention and relying upon the graph for urban water management, flood disaster risk model and contingency plans for different working conditions, Shenzhen utilizes 3D models to carry out simulation of flood disaster in key districts and analysis of affected areas, reinforce the accuracy of identifying water-logging risks and explore new paths of addressing the urban water-logging issue. The Xiangmihu digital twin comprehensive application depends on high rendering capability to visually present complex surface and underground space planning, assists in digital decisions such as city silhouette review, urban landscape design, and comparative selection of programs, and advances the establishment of a lifecycle digital twin management model of key districts including planning, design, construction and operation.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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