Peony from Heze Settles in Bulgaria, Land of Roses, Harmony, Mutual Learning among Civilizations

Udgivet den 08-11-2024  |  kl. 09:25  |  

HEZE, China, Nov. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- From October 30 to November 1, the Chinese Embassy in the Republic of Bulgaria, in collaboration with a delegation sent by the CPC Heze Municipal Committee and Heze government, hosted celebratory activities for the unveiling ceremony of the Peony Garden themed Harmony and Mutual Learning among Civilizations to commemorate the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Bulgaria in Sofia and Plovdiv. During this period, 700 peonies from Heze traveled from afar to be transplanted at locations including the Bulgarian Presidential Palace, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden, South Park in Sofia, Agricultural University Plovdiv, and the China Cultural Center in Sofia.

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.

To boost bilateral cooperation, the first unveiling ceremony took place at South Park in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Representatives from relevant departments of both countries, including the Chinese Embassy in the Republic of Bulgaria, the Bulgarian National Assembly, the Bulgarian Institute of Ornamental and Medicinal Plants, Sofia City Hall, and the Heze City delegation, attended the event. During the ceremony, the Heze delegation exchanged commemorative gifts with Bulgarian representatives and organized various performances and exhibitions.

Tsoncho Ganev, deputy speaker of the Bulgarian National Assembly, remarked that the peony symbolizes peace, honor, love, and wealth, bringing blessings for Bulgaria's prosperity and strength. He expressed hope that this garden would become a symbol of harmony and new beginnings to strengthen the friendly relations between the two countries.

Li Dongyan, head of the Heze delegation, stated that the encounter of Chinese peonies and Bulgarian roses is not merely a transplantation of flowers but also a fusion of cultures and a dialogue of souls. The peonies, rich in cultural significance and connotations, will complement the Bulgarian roses to demonstrate the mutual respect and harmonious coexistence between Eastern and Western cultures.

During their visit, the Heze delegation presented peonies to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden and Plovdiv Cultural Park. By establishing commemorative plaques, delivering heartfelt speeches by Chinese and foreign guests, exchanging souvenirs, nurturing peonies, and organizing cultural performances, they celebrated this important moment together with their Bulgarian friends.

Wang Min, counselor of the Chinese Embassy in the Republic of Bulgaria, stated that establishing the Peony Garden not only commemorates the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Bulgaria, but also expresses a wish for a lasting friendship between the two countries. The enduring friendship between China and Bulgaria requires the concerted efforts from both sides.

Hristina Yancheva, governor of Plovdiv Region, mentioned that the establishment of this Peony Garden will foster closer ties between China and Bulgaria.

Svetlana Nikolova, director of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden, noted that the completion of this Peony Garden brings joy to both the garden and the thousands of visitors; it will become a beautiful testament to the friendship between the two sides.

Next spring, Chinese peonies will bloom alongside Bulgarian roses, each displaying their unique beauty, to create a harmonious and stunning scene. 

Source: The CPC Heze Municipal Committee


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