Tomorrow.Building World Congress, disruptive change in construction

Udgivet den 14-11-2024  |  kl. 11:11  |  

BARCELONA, Spain, Nov. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 3D printing, Internet of Things (IoT), drones, virtual reality (VR), Building Information Modelling (BIM), Digital Twins... These are some of the tools with which new technologies are transforming the construction sector into a more sustainable and efficient one. Tomorrow.Building World Congress helped to drive this change during its second edition held from November 5 to 7 and featured leading innovation companies and prominent national and international speakers.

Organized by Fira de Barcelona under the slogan 'Build better', the event, which took place at the Gran Via venue, showcased new ideas, projects, and construction systems that are key to the planning, construction, and rehabilitation of buildings and urban infrastructures worldwide under sustainability criteria.

Along these lines, the congress program of Tomorrow.Building Solutions World Congress was organized around the major challenges the sector must face to implement its transformation: urban planning and landscaping, construction technology, design technology, decarbonized building, and sustainable transformation of buildings.

Among more than 100 experts participating in its over 30 sessions were New York urban strategist Majora Carter, known for her design of urban revitalization strategies to promote the development of economically and socially degraded areas such as the South Bronx in New York; the architect responsible for the new telecommunications tower in Istanbul Melike Altinisik; and the R&D director at the urban research and design consultancy Gehl Liselott Stenfeldt, among other speakers.

In its exhibition space of more than 2,000 m², the event featured companies renowned for their innovative DNA such as BIOO, New Murabba, Roshn, Samsung C&T Corporation, and Siemens, which showcased their latest developments to achieve more circular, efficient, and resilient construction. It also gave visibility to digital startups in the construction sector (ConTech) and real estate management (PropTech) in the Innovation Playground area.

The event was supported by international associations, such as Build Up, the official portal of the European Union to promote energy efficiency in construction, or Women's New European Bauhaus (WNEB), as well as by Spanish entities, such as the Spanish Construction Technology Platform (PTEC) or the Higher Council of Architects' Associations of Spain (CSCAE), among others.

Tomorrow.Building, along with Tomorrow.Mobility and Tomorrow.Blue Economy, was part of the Smart City Expo World Congress 2024, the world's largest event on cities and urban innovation, which this year had more than 1,100 exhibitors and representatives from 850 cities and 140 countries. After three days, the events gathered over 25.771 attendees from more than 130 countries at Fira de Barcelona's Gran Via venue.

For media requests please contact:

Salvador Bilurbina
phone: +34628162674

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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