SATO employees share an excellent workplace experience

Udgivet den 30-12-2024  |  kl. 11:30  |  

SATO Corporation, Press release 30 December 2024 at 1:30 pm

SATO has achieved outstanding results in the latest Great Place to Work survey. The company's overall score improved by three percentage points, and its eNPS reached 61.4. The results highlight the strong commitment and satisfaction of SATOs employees. The company was awarded with the Great Place to Work certification for the third time.

SATOs annual Great Place to Work survey included the eNPS metric for the first time. eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score) measures employees' willingness to recommend their workplace to friends and acquaintances. The score, ranging from -100 to +100, reflects employees' perceptions of their work community and organisational culture. SATOs result of 61.4 is exceptionally high, as already scores between 10 and 30 are typically considered good.

"Our employees are the heart of our company, and we have made significant efforts to build a human-centric company culture. I'm truly delighted that our employees find their work meaningful and enjoy being part of SATO. This past year has been far from easy. The market has posed challenges for us and others in the industry, requiring us to adapt our operations. That makes the excellent results all the more rewarding," says Johanna Koramo, SATOs Director of People and Culture.

In recent years, SATO has focused e.g. on strengthening diversity and inclusion, providing leadership training, preventing mental strain, and fostering open and responsive internal communication. These efforts are reflected in the Great Place to Work results.

"According to the latest Great Place to Work survey, 90% of SATO employees consider the company an exceptionally good place to work overall. That's a great achievement, especially after such a challenging year. Employee satisfaction strongly correlates with customer satisfaction. When work is enjoyable, it shines through not only in how we interact with each other but also in the service experience of residents in SATOhomes," adds Antti Aarnio, SATOs CEO.

"For us, the most important thing is to listen to both employees and customers and act on the feedback we receive. These results give us confidence that we're on the right path. There's always room for improvement, but it's a pleasure to continue developing together with our entire team," Aarnio concludes.

Contact for media:
Terhi Jokinen, Senior Communications Specialist,
tel. +358 20 134 4307,

SATO Corporation is an expert in sustainable rental housing and one of Finland's largest rental housing providers. SATO owns more than 26,000 rental homes in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Tampere and Turku.

SATO aims to provide excellent customer experience and a comprehensive range of urban rental housing alternatives with good access to public transport and services. We promote sustainable development and work in open interaction with our stakeholders.

SATO invests profitably, sustainably and with a long-term view. We increase the value of our assets through investments, divestments and repairs.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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