Syensqo announces the cancellation of repurchased shares

Udgivet den 30-12-2024  |  kl. 16:45  |  

Syensqo announces the cancellation of repurchased shares

Brussels, Belgium - December 30, 2024 - 17:45 CET

In accordance with article 15 of the law of May 2, 2007 (transparency law) on the disclosure of important participating interests in issuers whose shares are admitted for trading on a regulated market, and following the cancellation of 185,000 own shares in December 2024 acquired in the framework of the second  tranche of the ongoing €300 million Share Buyback Program, the updated information about the capital, the shares and the voting rights of Syensqo SA is as follows:

Total capital: EUR 1,351,624,292.82

New total number of shares and voting rights (= denominator): 105,032,929

The denominator serves as a basis for the notification of major holdings by shareholders. The thresholds, as provided by Article 11 of the Articles of Association of Syensqo SA, are therefore applicable. 

As a reminder, the notifications of major shareholdings must be sent to the FSMA as well as to the Company.


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This press release may contain forward-looking information. Forward-looking statements describe expectations, plans, strategies, goals, future events or intentions. The achievement of forward-looking statements contained in this press release is subject to risks and uncertainties relating to a number of factors, including general economic factors, interest rate and foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations, changing market conditions, product competition, the nature of product development, impact of acquisitions and divestitures, restructurings, products withdrawals, regulatory approval processes, all-in scenario of R&I projects and other unusual items. Consequently, actual results or future events may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Should known or unknown risks or uncertainties materialize, or should our assumptions prove inaccurate, actual results could vary materially from those anticipated. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements.

About Syensqo 

Syensqo is a science company developing groundbreaking solutions that enhance the way we live, work, travel and play. Inspired by the scientific councils which Ernest Solvay initiated in 1911, we bring great minds together to push the limits of science and innovation for the benefit of our customers, with a diverse, global team of more than 13,000 associates. 
Our solutions contribute to safer, cleaner, and more sustainable products found in homes, food and consumer goods, planes, cars, batteries, smart devices and health care applications. Our innovation power enables us to deliver on the ambition of a circular economy and explore breakthrough technologies that advance humanity.

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