ABN AMRO Bank intends to propose Marguerite Bérard as new CEO

Udgivet den 10-01-2025  |  kl. 14:28  |  


ABN AMRO Bank intends to propose Marguerite Bérard as new CEO

10 January 2025

ABN AMRO Bank has announced that it intends to propose Marguerite Bérard (1977) as new CEO. The proposed appointment of Marguerite Bérard is subject to regulatory approval.

The bank has identified a suitable candidate to lead ABN AMRO into its next phase of growth and success. We have reached agreement with Marguerite Bérard with the aim of appointing her as ABN AMRO's new CEO per 23 April 2025.

Marguerite Bérard was the head of BNP Paribas French Commercial and Personal Banking and a member of the Executive Committee between January 2019 and March 2024. In this role, she was responsible for Corporate, Private and Retail banking operations. Before this, she served as a member of the Management Board of BPCE Group (Banques Populaires, Caisses d'Epargne, Natixis) between 2016 and 2018 - where she was responsible for Finance, Strategy, Legal Affairs and Compliance.

Marguerite Bérard is a graduate of Ecole Nationale d'Administration, the Paris Institut d'Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) and holds a Master's degree from Princeton University.

The appointment of Marguerite Bérard is subject to regulatory approval and ABN AMRO has submitted the necessary documentation to the regulator to that end. Following approval by the regulators, Marguerite Bérard will be introduced to the ABN AMRO general meeting of shareholders on 23 April 2025.

This press release is published by ABN AMRO Bank N.V. and contains inside information within the meaning of article 7 (1) to (4) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (Market Abuse Regulation).

Note to editors, not for publication:
For more information, please contact

ABN AMRO Press Office: Jarco de Swart, E-mail: jarco.de.swart@nl.abnamro.com, phone number: +31 (0)20 6282160.

ABN AMRO Investor Relations: John Heijning, E-mail: investorrelations@nl.abnamro.com, phone number +31 (0)20 6282282.


ABN AMRO Bank intends to propose Marguerite Bérard as new CEO Marguerite Bérard


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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