Happy Chinese New Year - Charm of Jiangsu Cultural and Tourism Conference Held in London

Udgivet den 26-01-2025  |  kl. 11:31  |  

NANJING, China, Jan. 26, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Jan. 21st, the Happy Chinese New Year Charm of Jiangsu Cultural and Tourism Conference was successfully held in London. Guests and representatives from the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the Chinese Embassy in the UK, China National Tourist Office London, and the World Travel Market gathered to participate in this significant event.

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.

The conference centered around the theme the Happy Chinese New Year - Charm of Jiangsu, highlighting the cultural and natural essence of Jiangsu, celebrated as the land of fish and rice.

A British singer performed the iconic Jiangsu folk song Jasmine Flower, while a traditional Chinese music ensemble presented Moonlit Night on the Spring River. These captivating performances offered the audience a glimpse into Jiangsu's rich cultural heritage and serene natural beauty through the universal language of art.

Complementing the performances, a Jiangsu Culture and Tourism Photography Exhibition was held alongside the main event. Featuring dozens of stunning photographs, the exhibition beautifully showcased Jiangsu's multifaceted identity - a harmonious blend of modernity and tradition, material prosperity and spiritual depth.

Mr. Chen Jingsong, Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, emphasized that Charm of Jiangsu is the core brand of Jiangsu's culture and tourism. He noted, Water is the most dynamic symbol of Jiangsu's geography, while 'charm' represents the profound essence of Jiangsu's culture.

Mr. Chen also highlighted Suzhou's renowned craftsmanship and folk arts, Huai'an's designation as a UNESCO City of Gastronomy, and the 12 UNESCO-listed Intangible Cultural Heritage items as symbols of Jiangsu's rich and enduring cultural legacy.

Through this conference, I've discovered how special Jiangsu truly is. Its abundant waterways and refined cultural lifestyle make me eager to visit, shared a British audience member in an interview with reporters.

During the event, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism officially inaugurated its Global Communication Centre in London. This milestone marks a significant step forward in enhancing cultural and tourism exchanges and collaboration between Jiangsu and the UK.

Source: Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism


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