Ingredion Named to World's Most Ethical Companies List for 11th Year

Udgivet den 11-03-2025  |  kl. 10:05  |  

WESTCHESTER, Ill., March 11, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR), a leading global provider of ingredient solutions for food, beverage and industrial applications, today announced it has been recognized for the 11th time as one of the 2025 World's Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere, a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices.

"We are proud to be named one of the World's Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere in 2025. This honor underscores the unwavering commitment of our global teams who consistently lead with integrity and embed ethics into every aspect of our organization," said Jim Zallie, Ingredion's president and CEO. "At Ingredion, we remain dedicated to fostering a values-driven culture rooted in the highest standards of ethics and integrity, serving as the foundation of our actions for all stakeholders."

"Congratulations to Ingredion for achieving recognition as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies®. Behind this honor is a true dedication and a commitment to advancing business integrity. This approach is good for business - employees and other stakeholders value companies that prioritize the kinds of practices we measure with our process," said Erica Salmon Byrne, Ethisphere's chief strategy officer and executive chair.

Ingredion is one of only nine honorees in the food, beverage, and agriculture industry. In 2025, 136 honorees were recognized spanning 19 countries and 44 industries.

Methodology & Scoring
The World's Most Ethical Companies assessment is grounded in Ethisphere's proprietary Ethics Quotient®, which requires companies to provide more than 240 different proof points on practices that support robust ethics and compliance; governance; a culture of ethics; environmental and social impact; and initiatives that support a strong value chain. That data undergoes further qualitative analysis by our panel of experts who spend thousands of hours vetting and evaluating each year's group of applicants. This process serves as an operating framework to capture and codify best-in-class ethics and compliance practices from organizations across industries and from around the world.

To view the complete list of this year's honorees, please visit the World's Most Ethical Companies website.

About Ingredion
Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR) headquartered in the suburbs of Chicago, is a leading global ingredient solutions provider serving customers in more than 120 countries. With 2024 annual net sales of approximately $7.4 billion, the company turns grains, fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based materials into value-added ingredient solutions for the food, beverage, animal nutrition, brewing and industrial markets. With Ingredion's Idea Labs® innovation centers around the world and more than 11,000 employees, the company co-creates with customers and fulfills its purpose of bringing the potential of people, nature, and technology together to make life better. Visit for more information and the latest company news.

About Ethisphere
Ethisphere is the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices that strengthen corporate brands, build trust in the marketplace, and deliver business success. Companies turn ethics, compliance, and culture into a business advantage by leveraging Ethisphere's data-driven program and culture assessments featuring the latest guidance and the practices of hundreds of global organizations across the 8 pillars of an ethical culture, and 240+ ethics, compliance, social, and governance data points delivered through a proprietary software platform. Ethisphere also honors superior integrity programs through World's Most Ethical Companies® recognition, brings together a community of industry experts with the Business Ethics Leadership Alliance (BELA), and advances ethical business practices through the Global Ethics Summit, Ethisphere Magazine and the Ethicast podcast. For more information, visit

Investors: Noah Weiss, 773-896-5242
Media: Rick Wion, 708-209-6323


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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