Interim report for 1 January to 30 June 2014 (1st half 2014)

Udgivet den 28-08-2014  |  kl. 15:20  |  

The board of directors of Højgaard Holding A/S has today considered and approved this interim­ report for the period from 1 January to 30 June 2014.

  • In accordance with IFRS 11, as of 1 January 2014 the ownership share in the jointly controlled enterprise MT Højgaard is recognised on the basis of the equity method (one-line consolidation) and not on a pro rata basis as previously, see note 1.
  • The group’s revenue was DKK 36 million against DKK 39 million for the same period last year.
  • The group recorded a loss before tax of DKK 113 million, compared to a loss of DKK 33 million for the same period in the previous year.
  • The jointly controlled enterprise MT Højgaard (in which Højgaard Holding holds a share of 54 %), recorded an operating profit before special ­items for the period of DKK 16 million, compared to a loss of DKK 18 million for the same period in the previous year. Special items still amounts to a loss of DKK 195 million and relate to the provision for the lost offshore dispute case Robin Rigg, which was described in the stock exchange announcement of 15 April 2014. In the second quarter, permission was given to bring the ruling before the Court of Appeal. The profit after tax (before minority interests) was a loss of DKK 182 million for the period, compared to a loss of DKK 36 million for the same period last year.
  • MT Højgaard maintains its forecast for a revenue at the level of DKK 7.0 to 7.5 billion. An operating profit before special items for the year at the level of DKK 150 - 225 million is still expected, which corresponds to a margin of 2 - 3%. Special items for 2014 are still expected to be negative by an amount of DKK 195 million, but may still be impacted by the outcome of old dispute cases, most of which are still ex­pected to be settled in 2014.
  • For 2014, in addition to our share of 54% in the MT Højgaard group’s profit after tax and minority interests, the Højgaard Holding group still expects a small po­sitive result before tax.


    Best regards Højgaard Holding A/S Søren Bjerre-Nielsen                                  Ditlev Fløistrup Chairman of the board                                CEO

          Contacts:         Ditlev Fløistrup, CEO, Højgaard Holding, tel. +45 4520 1500         Torben Biilmann, president and CEO, MT Højgaard, tel. +45 2270 9020         Søren Bjerre-Nielsen, chairman of the board, Højgaard Holding, tel. +45 4520 1500Vedhæftede filer:2014-08-28 HH Interim report 1st half 2014.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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