Zealand announces total number of shares and voting rights in the company as of 30 June 2015

Udgivet den 30-06-2015  |  kl. 13:23  |  

Copenhagen, 2015-06-30 13:23 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Copenhagen, 30 June 2015 - In accordance with Section 6 of the Danish Statutory Order on Issuers' Disclosure Obligations, Zealand announces the total share capital and number of voting rights in the company at the end of a calendar month in which changes to the equity capital have occurred. 

With reference to Corporate Announcement no. 24/2015 dated 2 June 2015 and 28/2015 dated 20 June 2015, the table below provides the total number of shares and voting rights in Zealand as of 30 June 2015.


  Number of shares 
(nominal value DKK 1)
Nominal value
Number of votes
Shares 23,518,108 23,518,108 23,518,108



For further information, please contact:
Hanne Leth Hillman, Senior Vice President for Investor Relations and Communications
Tel: +45 50 60 36 89, email: hlh@zealandpharma.com


About Zealand Pharma
Zealand Pharma A/S (“Zealand”) (Nasdaq Copenhagen: ZEAL) is a biotechnology company based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Zealand has leading expertise in the discovery, design and development of novel peptide medicines and possesses in-house competences in clinical trial design and management with a therapeutic focus on metabolic diseases and acute care indications. The company is advancing a proprietary pipeline of novel medicines alongside a partnered product and development portfolio.

Zealand’s first invented medicine, lixisenatide, a once-daily prandial GLP-1 agonist for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes, is marketed globally (ex-US) as Lyxumia® and is in Phase III development as a single-injection combination with Lantus® (LixiLan), both under a global license agreement with Sanofi. US regulatory filing for Lyxumia® is planned for Q3 2015 and filing for LixiLan is planned for Q4 2015 in the US and Q1 2016 in Europe.

Zealand’s proprietary pipeline include danegaptide (prevention of Ischemic Reperfusion Injury) in Phase II and the stable glucagon analogue, ZP4207 in two Phase I trials as a single-use rescue pen (severe hypoglycemia) and a multiple-dose version (mild to moderate hypoglycemia) as well as several preclinical peptide therapeutics. Partnering represents an important component of the strategy to leverage in-house expertise, share development risk in large clinical trials, provide funding and commercialize the company’s products. Zealand currently has global license agreements and partnerships with Sanofi, Helsinn Healthcare and Boehringer Ingelheim.

For further information: www.zealandpharma.com     Follow us on Twitter @ZealandPharma


Vedhæftede filer:

32-15_0630 - Share Capital end June - ENG_Final.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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