Announcement of general meeting proxies for the Supervisory Board of Jyske Bank A/S.

Udgivet den 18-01-2016  |  kl. 15:43  |  

Silkeborg, 2016-01-18 15:43 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Announcement of general meeting proxies for the Supervisory Board of Jyske Bank A/S.

According to S.29 of the Danish Securities Trading, etc. Act and Executive Order No. 1256 of 4 November 2015 on major shareholders, we hereby announce that, from a number of shareholders, the Supervisory Board of Jyske Bank has received unqualified proxies to be used at Jyske Bank’s Extraordinary Annual General Meeting on 19 January 2016.


The proxies represent 26.34% of the voting shares or 24,565,410 shares.


The Supervisory Board's right to vote according to the proxies received shall cease after the Extraordinary General Meeting on 19 January 2016.




Yours faithfully,



Peter Stig Hansen                   Michael Friis

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Nasdaq 20160118 paragraf 29-UK.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk