Scientific journal's publication of white paper on the use of NGAL marks important milestone for BioPorto

Udgivet den 13-02-2016  |  kl. 11:43  |  

An article by BioPortos European Advisory Board chaired by Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Vincent on the suggested use of NGAL in clinical practice, specifically in cardiac surgical procedures, has been accepted into the prestigious American journal The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.

While a large number of scientific articles documenting NGAL’s use as a marker for the detection of acute kidney injury have been published, the Advisory Board’s white paper is the first article to be based on reported clinical use of the test and suggesting guidelines for the intervention and patient management both before and after the operation based on measurements of NGAL.

For the first time, the article equips the clinical staff at the cardiac intensive care unit with a decision algorithm for the practical application of NGAL. BioPorto expects that the article will be given weight in the decision-making processes that lead to the inclusion of NGAL tests in official clinical guidelines, which in several countries are determined at a national level.

Peter Mørch Eriksen, CEO of BioPorto, said: The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery publishing the Advisory Board’s white paper is an important recognition of NGAL and a strategic milestone for BioPorto. I am convinced that the article with the suggested guidelines will open doors for NGAL-based tests worldwide and contribute to faster and improved renal injury diagnostics for the benefit of patients and clinicians.


For further information, please contact:

Peter Mørch Eriksen, CEO

Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations Manager

Telephone +45 4529 0000, e-mail

The kidney biomarker NGAL

Every year about 13 million people are struck by acute kidney injury worldwide, of whom about 4 million die. Nevertheless, there has been no real progress in methods of diagnosing kidney injury over the last half century. Existing methods, such as serum creatinine determination, only signal kidney failure 24-72 hours after the injury has taken place. In contrast, NGAL rises to diagnostic levels within a few hours of kidney injury and thus enables the physician to make vital clinical decisions before the damage progresses to potentially fatal renal shutdown. In addition to helping the patient, cost-benefit analyses show that implementing NGAL testing will contribute to reducing hospital costs in the management of kidney injury and its consequences.

About BioPorto

BioPorto Diagnostics A/S is an in-vitro diagnostics company that provides healthcare professionals in clinical and research settings a range of diagnostic tests and antibodies. Our pioneering product portfolio includes assays for underserved disease states such as NGAL for acute kidney injury. We sell our products in more than 80 countries through diverse sales channels and partners. BioPorto has its headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark and is listed on the NASDAQ Copenhagen stock exchange.

Vedhæftede filer:

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