Reduction of share capital by cancellation of own shares
Company announcement Announcement No. 23/2017 |
Danske Bank 25 April 2017 |
Reduction of share capital by cancellation of own shares
On 16 March 2017, the Annual General Meeting of Danske Bank A/S adopted the proposal to reduce the Bank's share capital by DKK 468,851,130 nominally by cancelling 46,885,113 shares from Danske Bank's holding of own shares. The reduction of the share capital has been carried out and registered on 24 April 2017.
After the reduction, Danske Bank A/S's share capital amounts to DKK 9,368,277,220 nominally, corresponding to 936,827,722 shares of DKK 10 each.
Danske Bank
Contact: Kenni Leth, Group Press Officer, tel. +45 45 14 14 00
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Company announcement No. 23 2017.pdf